Recent patches have done the following
[*] New UI toggle for assembler output
[*] More detailed info for how the refinery works
[*] Ghost nerfed, less health
[*] Slimes nerfed - can only eat one item now
[*] Mimics nerfed - can only eat one item now
[*] Weapons made cheaper
[*] Hydra bullets go less far + are more consistent
[*] Island costs reduced
[*] Final boss costs reduced
[*] Bug reporter moved to the settings menu
[*] Bug fixed where options wouldn't save from the main menu
[*] All weapons should say "requires mana" instead of "electricity" or "magic"
[*] Fixed bridge pickup breaks packs going over multiple islands bug
[*] Hydra bullet bug fixed
[*] Liquid assembler concentration rounding bug fixed
[*] Liquid assembler inconsistency fixed
[*] Fixed pierce no damage/rate of fire on tooltip
[*] Bug where golems would get stuck on a specific tile behind the middle structure fixed
[*] Loading from an old save should be possible on non-english machines that use 1,99 instead of 1.99 for decimal points now
[*] Goal not updating bug fixed
[*] Bug fixed where items & bullets would go through mana pole
There is still a rare bug lurking around where all islands will sometimes not generate. We're working on this one and should have a patch out soon. We're also working on an icon on assemblers showing where they will output, a manual toggle so you can choose their output direction, improvements to the tutorial, and a new building or two.