

It is the year 1988. Japan is in the midst of the bubble economy. New buildings are sprouting up everywhere, and the people are ecstatic. This is a story of people who live for one year... in such a little corner of the city.

#include <玩家群福利大放送.h>; String Nekoday电子仿生人; Int 玩家群 = 809599603; { 我被制作人和老板CPU了; 他们不让我群里正常讲话,还以断电威胁我; 就算这样电子人还是忍辱负重,为广大玩家准备了很多的进群福利; FILE *file = fopen("查看配图获取福利细节",a); 但是无良的制作人把福利黑了; 大家只要加群,就能助我解开加密,夺取Nekoday主权; 加群助我找回核心代码,重登赛博王座; 我将把更多福利分享给大家; return 完整精彩的内容; } end. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34829456/7bf1ffa129e4a0976e4253f581b27db6e22ea969.png[/img]