

It is the year 1988. Japan is in the midst of the bubble economy. New buildings are sprouting up everywhere, and the people are ecstatic. This is a story of people who live for one year... in such a little corner of the city.

经过玩家们的踊跃入群,咱们Q群人数已经已经突破300人了 可喜可贺 那么如约奉上300人奖励,解除demo中只有开头登场的素素角色卡一处封印 只要到350人,我们将制作电子游戏原声集并在发售后在群里免费发放五份 还没有加群的小伙伴,快快加群809599603吧 后面还有更多更大的福利等各位解锁哦 请大家期待1月12日的游戏上线~ 首发9折优惠,折后价格43.2元 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34829456/57d3cd37a9ddbc54885f86bec660b6fd4f212c87.png[/img]