PSN Account NOT Required! PC Game is for PC.


Band together with up to 4 friends to confront paranormal monsters. One player can take on the monster role to hunt the investigators. To win the game, you must survive long enough to accomplish all of the tasks to defeat the monsters. Step out of the shadows, no more running & hiding. Fight back!

Attention Dirgelings, we have an important announcement: After careful consideration—okay, maybe not that careful, more like a glance over our shoulder—we've unanimously decided that requiring a PSN account to play Dirge is about as sensible as trying to fight off a horde of Revenants armed with nothing but a flashlight. In other words, it's downright silly, and we wouldn't dare subject our players to such unnecessary hoops to jump through. We're all about inclusivity here, so if any other dev out there decides to take that plunge into the murky depths of PSN exclusivity, fear not! We'll gladly welcome their players into our own community with open arms and a wicked grin. So, grab your friends, sharpen your stakes, and join us in the battle against the darkness—PSN account not required, but a healthy dose of bravery definitely recommended. Stay tuned for more updates and remember to check out our game on Steam for all your horror fix needs!