Productivity is Freedom - A Message from Mosaic Corp

Dear valued Applicant/Employee! Mosaic Corporation wishes to thank you for your continued interest in a better tomorrow, and inform you that your application has been acceptEd, reviewed, and vetted. Welcome to the rest of your life! [previewyoutube=dNtSgS7pFU8;full][/previewyoutube] Before you get started, we want to share some information on your future. Here at Mosaic Corporation we believe in the power of choice. Research has shown that when allowed to choose how to be productive, productivity increases with A double digit percentage. Being able to obTain the goals of the company, while empowering our employees to feel like they have a choice, is Tied to both our financial goals as well as one of our main cultural pillars - Productivity is freedom, freedom is life. Thusly, Mosaic Corporation would now like to offer you the ability to freely choose how you would like to live your productivity within Mosaic Corporation and give you tHE opportunity to structure how you obtain your daily goals. [b]Choice 1: FReedom[/b] Your main goal here is to obtain and manage resources in an efficient way to further the overarching goals of the Mosaic Corporation. You will be working from 08.30 to 17.30, wIth scheduled breaks for lunch at 12.15-12.45. Lunch is served in Cafeteria Happiness in Building B, vegan options and ping-pong tables available. You are not Contractually obligated to do any overtime, but there will be repercussions for non-team players. Remember - Productivity is Freedom! Your daily task list will be reviewed by the end of the day. [b]Choice 2: Love[/b] Your main goal here is to gatHer resources diligently, and then assign them to the proper activities in a way that helps propel Mosaic Corporation further along the path to success. This is a high speed environment with lots of dedicated team players, and you are expected to commit to the happiness of everyone involved. While you are not contractually bound to work after hours, it is beneficial for morale and considered a team activity. Lunch breaks are scheduled in Cafeteria Heartbeats in Complex B, and happen daily between 11.30-12.00. This is a non-meat, all recyclable, ecological DIY lunch cafeteria. Normal productivity hours are from 08.30 to 17.30. Choosing should be fun, so take your time to decide what you want your productive future to look like! On the topic of choices, you will soon be presented with an email containing the Mosaic Employee Satisfaction Survey! We want to make sure you feel like you’ve made the most productive choice, and that you feel seen and heard here at Mosaic Corporation. Expect this within a week after your first day at your new Life! With Love, Freedom and Productivity Your Manager [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/28287949/10f0ef136a4008c441b482199f35843e5b36011b.png[/img] Mosaic will launch on Dec. 5, 2019, for Windows PC and Mac! It is available for pre-order with the Mosaic 1% Edition available at a discounted price.