Mosaic patch is out!

A message from the Mosaic Corporation:--- While all products produced by the Mosaic Corporation are inherently perfect at launch, our employees constantly strive to improve themselves and our large range of inspirational products. Several improvements have been implemented into our celebrated and popular Mosaic-application, for your increased enjoyment. These include: - BlipBloppers! We have listened to your feedback! Your BlipBlop score will now be saved continuously, not just at checkpoints. If you choose new game, you will reset your score, though! - The achievement "Dedicated" is now more obtainable - We have improved navigation, both in the player control and world interactions. This should make your daily commute more efficient! - While our products are never launched with bugs, we have fixed some “issues” and improved the general performance - Due to overcrowding scenes in the Metro, the trains were prone to crashes. This has been fixed - Look, our bugs do not have products! However, we have identified some minor faults in the climbing sequence, and addressed them - Our tech people tell us some “meshes”, “textures”, “materials” and “lighting” has been improved all over the game We welcome you back to work, employee! And for all you new employees: Welcome to the Mosaic Corporation - more efficient, productive and perfect than ever before. Your friends at The Mosaic Corporation (And Krillbite + Raw Fury)