Procgen in Burning Knight: what's different?

Burning Knight

Steal everything you can and flee from the Burning Knight's castle in this action-packed roguelike! The game features tight bullet hell, tons of items, characters to meet... and secrets!

[img][/img] [i]A few [b]super simple[/b] examples, as seen in debug mode.[/i] Hey, so I know that these days all of roguelikes have "amazing procgen" listed on their feature list as if they brought something new to the table. And I know how annoying it is to find out, that all that they did, was just taking the Isaac way. [b]BUT[/b] This is not the case with Burning Knight. In fact, [b]procgen in bk is so complex, that [url=]I had to write a huge blog post about just that[/url]![/b] Good procgen takes a lot of time and effort to develop. Sadly, there is no magic alg, that just makes cool unique dungeons for you all the time, but that didn't stop me. I hope you will enjoy dungeons in this game as much as I do, I can literally spend hours just exploring cool dungeons in debug view. Take care! [i]Even the floors (I bet you did not notice) are randomly generated, and combined with wall layout this creates stunning effects! Here is a single floor alg, that generates chess-like floor![/i] [img][/img] [i]Ok, here, have a cool shopkeeper, that loves soap:[/i] [img][/img]