Bad rock update (v1.3.1.4)

Changelog: * Reworked the whole projectile system * Blue bullet slime doesn't shoot after death anymore * Dino is a bit more angry now * Halo buffed * Projectile light/poof effects wont work after there are 99 projectiles in game * Mob projectiles are capped at 199 * Removed Tags.Torch => Tags.MobProjectile * Removed Tags.Gramaphone => Tags.PlayerProjectile * Projectiles wont be able to hit mobs/paintings/tnt in rooms that there are no players in * All projectiles will die after some time now * The game will give up trying to process past time if it is more than 0.25 of a second * If player has more than 69 projectiles old projectiles will start to break * Improved missile * Added bounce cap of 8 * Killing shopkeeper gives you 3 scoure points now * Boss bullets will become scourged on 1st loop * Enemy bullets will become scourged on 2nd loop * Shopkeeper mood wont change if you are not in his room * Added "always cook second" to the loading screen jokes * Death/win screen will now have a note if the run was seeded * The player now actually drops all the items he collected on the run when dying (it was meant to work like that forever but was broken) * Some movement speed tweaks * Player sprite is now tilted slightly while moving * Ctrl+V works on beetroot now * Click to place bombs with bomb lamp * Removed aura from not reflectable projectiles * Added battery sfx * Fixed black bars not resizing (aka ui target not updating its size) * Mobs killed with explosive lamp will drop bombs on death * Unhitatble creatures wont get buffs from projectiles * Hopefully fixed ice level bug (rude but still) * Improved minimap * Bumped steamworks version * Upgraded monogame * Fixed weird rendering issues by flooring all rendering positions * Menu won't react to all keys/mouse buttons now * Old man will now greet you upon entering the game * Camera in menu wont follow the cursor anymore * level command now accepts second number for the loop * Changed how seeds work (internally), sadly probably breaks all old seeds * Changed how level saving works: loop levels are now stored separately instead of overwriting old files * Changed how scourged projectiles look * Flies wont deal contact damage anymore * Decreased room reward chance * Enemies in snow castle and ice ruins will now be cold immune * Exploding bees wont explode from melee/explosion kills * Ice queen hp buffed from 500 to 550 * Queen bees projectiles wont be reflectable in 3rd phase anymore (same for the ice queen) * Buffed cupguy by a lot * Buffed post-first area wall crawler * Buffed maggot * Player hitbox is now smaller * New gang painting * Dialog options are now instant-printed, improved ui dialog in general * Nerfed pharaoh 300 => 250 * Shells and some other particles will disappear in 5 instead of 10 seconds * Changed statues voice * Ice crawler projectile size buffed * Reverted to old map * Rave Cave level variant added * Nerfed red key attack speed, added 1 damage * Fixed permanent item stands missing their pickup sounds * Fixed a bunch of brain based softlocks * Made gunners/bullet slimes a bit more rare / fat in the desert biome * Shops & treasure rooms will now appear in emerald caves * Melee arcs will not be affected by range downs that go below 1 * Nerfed ghost chase a tiny bit * Nerfed amurs arrow * Lowered default screenshake * Added an extra treasure room to the emerald caves