Procedural Horde Patch is now LIVE!

We are closing the beta branch today and releasing the new Procedural Horde Patch! [h2]0.7.70 - Procedural Horde Patch![/h2] [list] [*] [b]ENEMY SUBTYPES:[/b] Face off against new enemy subtypes, each with special powers for both minions and elites. [*] [b]WAVE VARIETY:[/b] Every run now features procedurally generated waves, creating new and varied encounters. [*] [b]PACT OF GREED:[/b] Unlock the Pact of Greed after defeating Act 2—play Act 1 with Act 2 difficulty and get Tier 2 rewards. [/list] [h3]Improved Item Generation[/h3] [list] [*] A lot of changes in the formula have been made. Generally, items now tend to drop with fewer affixes, but every item is more tailored to specific builds and play styles. Additionally, more affixes can spawn on more item types to improve build making. [*] The base affixes of items are now displayed in white and any rolled for or enhanced affixes in green. [*] Item drops favor the currently played character. [*] Fixed ranged affixes spawning on melee items and many other data errors. [/list] [h3]Explore The Endless Desert[/h3] [list] [*] Discover new Tier 2 Uniques. [*] New and powerful Act 2 Locations. [*] Some new blessings and visual improvements to existing ones. [/list] [h3]Armory:[/h3] [list] [*] Armory now sorts items based on value of currently selected affixes. [*] Fixed armory tooltip render bug. [/list] [h3]Balance:[/h3] [list] [*] Balance was focused on making more builds viable, especially on higher difficulties. [*] Underused talents, blessings and item abilities received buffs to promote diverse builds. [*] Some Tier 1 Uniques have been reworked to support more builds. [*] Curses from locations like graves, coffins, etc are now temporary, to have less impact on final build. [*] Bosses now give more Cosmic Essence - (4 → 8 Act 1, 8 → 12 Act 2) [/list] [h3]Major Bug & Data Fixes: [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed bug where selected Talent loadouts were not being saved. [*] Bosses now try to stay inside the arena. [*] Fixed bug with enemy damage multiplications. [*] Fixed enemy projectile velocity too strong scaling. [*] Fixed enemy projectiles multiplicative damage stacking. [*] Fixed monster action use cooldown stat not working. [*] Fixed monster attack times inverted scaling. [/list] [b][i]We've made a lot of various changes, bugfixes and other improvements – you can find the full list of those in the patch notes in-game.[/i][/b] [i]Quick sidenote on our roadmap and what’s next: This is the last big patch before the next Act update. We plan to quickfix this week, then go back to our work on Act 3.[/i] Thank you to all the people from the community that helped us with their feedback and input on the beta branch!