Patch 0.7.25

Death Must Die

Descend the nether in search of Death himself! Choose from God-given powers to slay his hordes of minions. Unlock new heroes, collect powerful items and create game-breaking synergies in this roguelite hack and slash survivors game.

[h2]Bugfixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed several crash-causing bugs. [*] Fixed summon count items not working. [*] Fixed war chains being spawned with offset from player. [*] Fixed Skadi applying random statuses via the 'Relentless' talent. [*] Fixed leftover boss minimap marker after Temporal Lord time rewind. [*] Fixed leftover lasers after Temporal Lord time rewind. [*] Temporal Lord no longer removes monsters that were spawned prior to the point of time it rewinds to. [*] Fixed 'Generic Pen' unique item not updating stats on equip. [*] Fixed Radiance damage not increasing with levels. [*] Enrage no longer triggered by negative hp regen. [*] Fixed getting stuck during character introduction. [/list]