Preview: next feature addition


Retro turn-based 2D pixelart RPG. Exploration, character choices, riddles and challenges. 80+ hours of gameplay.

What I am planning to add next? RUNE TRINKETS. Still designing what exactly they will be. Current thoughts: 1. they are blank trinkets that can be carved with runes. 2. the carving is done by the same smiths that do item carving/naming. He needs the recipe, lots of gold and an empty trinket. Runes are not items. 3. the power level of the rune combination/recipe is determined by the skill of / time spent by the carver, which is a factor of how much gold you give them 4. guessing a rune combination that has an effect is very unlikely due to number of runes and 6-digit length of rune 'words'. But you will be allowed to try. 5. a carved rune trinket that has a working combination on it will act like an insignia (and take up that slot), and can be wielded by anyone. 6. possible rune powers vary, see more below. 7. you will find rune combinations throughout your journeys, on vampire coffins, tombstones, books on old bookshelves, scrolls, scribbled notes, scratchings on walls etc. 8. I will probably create ~50 rune recipes/power combos. 9. I am planning to determine ~100 suitable rune recipe places. 10. each savegame will determine the rune combinations for the 50 possible combos. they will not be the same between any 2 savegames / playthroughs / players. 11. each savegame will determine 10 recipes that will be placed randomly in 10 of the 100 locations. Possible powers will be a mix of what items and insignia currently grant: - granting a skill+ - granting a spell+ - granting health+ - granting mana+ - granting STR/DEX/speed/evasion/accuracy+ - vs undead bonus - bonus hp/sp/speed per kill - possibly granting skills or spells that otherwise won't exist in books or other form. But not from the start, first everything has to work smoothly. The amount of gold/expertise of the carver during the carving will determine the power level of the bonus. Intention is to make each playthrough a notch more different, a 'make something out of what you are given' type of direction. Further UPDATE: I put a few more notes down, here it goes: 1. Trinkets are a separate type of item. Taking up the insignia slot. There will be various grades, for now let's call them common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, godly. 2. The grade of the trinket determines the possible maximum level of the rune power. 3. Rune powers can be of a higher level if you have enough gold, found a suitable engraver, and have the right type of trinket to use. 4. There will be tier I, II, III rune recipes/powers. 5. and possibly later a 4th one which I will call 'enablers'. Like a passport that allows you to enter/survive certain planar adventures. Maybe. Just leaving options open... 6. Tier I, II and III rune recipes/powers can all be fitted in any type of trinket, however better grade trinkets allow for higher max level. May also determine a mandatory higher minimum level. To be decided. 7. Trinkets have a life of their own. They start their life at the level you create them at, thereafter they gain experience equivalent to the wielder. And they can level up beyond their start level. But do that ever more (exponentially) slowly. So they don't level up when a player does, they have their own thresholds. 8. Based on trinket grade (not rune power or level), I am inclined to impose a wielded level requirement. Because they are alive, they are picky about who uses them. 9. Need some good lore about what they are and why they exist. To clarify grade vs power vs level: A godly trinket (grade: godly) can be engraved with a 'Xarams wish' rune sequence (the power/recipe) of level 1. Thereafter, it may eventually level up to level 2. Which increases the bonusses it gives. When will this come through as an update? Not sure yet, it is definitely the next cab off the rank, but I am planning another move (back to my home country Germany) so that slows things down a bit. Thanks for playing this game and please consider leaving a review and spreading the word! [img][/img]