Enter a world beyond imagination with The Last Oricru - Final Cut. An action RPG, The Last Oricru - Final Cut unravels in a fantasy world blending sci-fi and medieval elements to deliver an experience like no other. Seize your destiny and take your place in this adventure for single or co-op play.
[b]Patchnotes for Update 1.1:[/b]
(Online Multiplayer) Stabilized and improved connection
(Online Multiplayer) Extended replication fixes (so both players’ have similar experience)
(Online Multiplayer) Hologram player sees texts in their selected language
(Online Multiplayer) Weapon effects now behave in most cases correctly for Hologram
(Online Multiplayer) Inventory description and additional information about items are now also displayed for Hologram player
(Online Multiplayer) Hologram player now sees additional buffs and stats subcategory in inventory when selecting the items
(Online Multiplayer) Improvements of selected cutscenes for Hologram
(Settings) Added input mapping option for keyboard (gamepad still work-in-progress)
(Settings) Improved visual quality of the game for lower graphics settings (work-in-progress implementation)
(Settings) Added option to set the size of subtitles
(Settings) Additional minor settings features (motion blur, etc.) and fixes (saving of the settings state etc.)
(UI) Minor technical and visual improvements (e.g. HealthBar now has animated elements)
(Camera) Completely reworked camera, reducing motion sickness experienced by players
(Level Design) Reworked select places where players were getting lost (usually by adding light navigation, etc.)
(Level Design) Added new assets to improve visually important places (e.g. behind Maltis in the first dialogue sequence)
(Cinematics) Fixes to many sequences (handled double characters, flying assets, etc.)
(Equip) Added new assets to improve overall quality of the game (e.g. the armor set player receives from the Queen in the first level got reworked to a higher visual quality)
(Weapons) Balanced Freeze Area spell for Deathbringer
(Fight) Parry windows increased
(Goals) Fixed various goals which were not correctly updating their progress status
(Achievements) Fixed missing dialogue with Gok in the Monastery which lead to the achievement Revenge Raider
(Achievements) Fixed issue where the achievement Gory Gift-Bringer could not be obtained on consoles
(Scripting) Player allied with ratkins can no longer approach Grachus on the Bridge
(Scripting) Marco no longer appears on the Bridge requesting General Draap’s head when a player has chosen to help Draap
(Scripting) Fixed dialogue with Draap (he was using old dialogue after meeting with the Queen on the Cliff)
(Scripting) Fixed issue when Ilvar’s arrival to the City was played twice
(Scripting) Reworked dialogue with Ilvar in the Monastery to fix issue where player could not talk to him
(Scripting) Adjusted positions of Ilvar and Grachus on their meeting at the Monastery
(Level Design) Adjusted positions of the enemies in the Fortress. Player should no longer be overwhelmed when leaving the terminal. Also, some enemies should more effectively lead to map shortcuts
(Level Design) Removed unnecessary crossbow enemies in the Fortress
(Level Design) Fixed missing texts on signs in Mines
(Level Design) Removed Naboru soldiers guarding the entrance to the Mines from the Bridge after Draap arrives
(AI) Fixed passive enemy in the City which did not react to the player’s presence when approached
…Plus many other minor fixes and polishes across the entire game