Patchnote #15 for Dark Hours (v0.6.14391)

Dark Hours

Dark Hours is a co-op survival horror game for up to 4 players. Your heist has been disrupted by a supernatural event, and your team of robbers is now trapped with an evil entity. Forget your plan, your mission is to survive. Explore and cooperate to find a way out or hide and wish for daylight.

[h2]Patchnote #15 for Dark Hours (v0.6.14391) - 25/11/2024[/h2] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*][b]Furniture Spawn Fix:[/b] Resolved an issue where furniture could spawn on laser paths in the vault. [*][b]Pitch Replication Fix:[/b] Fixed a bug where player aim pitch (aiming up/down) with the gun or hairdryer wasn’t visually replicated to other players. [*][b]Adrenaline and Sleep Effect Replication:[/b] Improved replication consistency for adrenaline and sleep effects during multiplayer sessions. [/list] [h3]Monsters[/h3] [list] [*][b]Banshee idling:[/b] Fix a incorrect behaviour where the Banshee was just idling without moving in a room until a player shows up. [*][b]Blind Monster Fix:[/b] The Blind Monster no longer interacts with invisible grids. [*][b]Interactions with Kisser on head:[/b] - Characters with a Kisser on their head now have muffled stamina voice. - All interaction widgets are hidden, and interactions are disabled/canceled when a Kisser is on a character’s head. [/list] [h3]Level Design (LD)[/h3] [list] [*][b]Statue Eyes Fix:[/b] Fixed an issue with the statue’s black eyes not appearing during its first move. [*][b]Circuit Breaker Connectivity:[/b] All lights and interactive elements are now properly connected to the circuit breaker, ensuring consistent behavior across levels. [/list] [h3]Interface[/h3] [list] [*][b]Confirmation for Lobby Exit:[/b] Added a confirmation window when leaving a lobby. [*][b]Objective's Texts Wrapping:[/b] Fixed text wrapping issues for heist objectives. [*][b]Settings Reorganization:[/b] Moved some settings to the Controls section. [*][b]Slider for SFX and Music:[/b] Introduced sliders in settings to adjust sound effects and music volume. [*][b]Team Info Window Fix:[/b] Resolved an issue where the team info window displayed "Alive" for players who were dead. [/list] [h3]General[/h3] [list] [*][b]Fog Volume Adjustment:[/b] Adjusted fog volume for improved visibility and performance. [*][b]Rebind Controller Input:[/b] Added the ability to rebind gamepad controller inputs. [*][b]Lobby Search Results Fix:[/b] Addressed issues with limited lobby search results. You might see more public lobbies now! [/list] [h3]Known bug:[/h3] [list] [*][b]Blind ghoul opening locker's door:[/b] There is a bug where the Blind ghoul opens the locker's door, if the player closes it, the monster will open it again till the player gets killed. [/list]