Patch v2.41.0.4 (Fixes Movelist Bug!)

Umineko: Golden Fantasia

The tag-team fighting game based on the original "Umineko When They Cry" series, finally released on Steam, in English and with improved rollback netplay!

Hello everyone! We wanted to thank everyone for the quick and speedy feedback over release night and yesterday. Today we pushed a patch that restores the localization of the movelists, some system messages, and the music tracklist as originally intended. Credits and some system messages will be available in the next few days, along with some lobby fixes we're planning this week before our release tournament. We have compiled a full list of bugs we're aware of and working on below. There are also some workarounds you can do on your end for some common issues. Thank you so much for the reports everyone! It's been a big help! Please join us in discord!