The Sapling is a short simulation game where you design your own plants and animals, and put them in a world together. Or you turn on random mutations, and see what evolution does to your ecosystem!
Added a 'cinematic camera' menu in the sandbox, which allows you to:
* Hide the UI
* Hide the weather
* Set the time of the day without influencing the simulation
* Change the camera speed
* Set fixed camera positions and rotations, and have the camera animation between tem
Other camera changes:
* Added SHIFT as a camera speed boost button; if you fly the camera in one direction for 2 seconds, a hint will show to teach players about this
* Shortended the delay noticeable when dragging the camera with the mouse; the camera feels more responsive now
* Highlighting organisms is now disabled if you move the camera
* The camera position in the organism detail view is now always as close to the current camera position as possible (no weird camera flips anymore)
* The camera no longer moves slower on smaller maps
* The camera position in the organism detail view no longer is very close to the ground on smaller maps
Main menu changes:
* Added an extra 'game mode' selection view, with a warning the the sandbox will be unlocked after one scenario (lots of new players were confused by this)
* Added icons to the filter buttons in the load view
* Added a button to go to the save file location in your OS
* Also made 'x' to skip the disclaimer work with Caps Lock turned on
* Increased the the text size saying you can use x to skip
* The green background when showing the title during the intro now fills the whole screen
* Made title font during the intro the same as above the main menu
* Put a warning below the ice age level (will be overhauled in the future)
Fixed flowers and the flower level:
* Plants can be pollinated by animals again, and thus the main objective of the flower level triggers again
* All nectar mouths can create wax nests now
* Also unlocked the crab mouth by default, so you can go the 'insect route' if you want
* Changed the ground softness so you don't need mangrove roots everywhere
* Fixed the progress bar not responding for two of the objectives
* Made animal color mutations more likely
* Made it possible for animals to also mutate to become brighter or darker
* Made gasfruit animations smoother, so it really looks like they are floating
* Removed high white clouds from the sandbox
* If you click 'redesign' after mutating, you now continue to have access to unlocked bark and roots