The Sapling is a short simulation game where you design your own plants and animals, and put them in a world together. Or you turn on random mutations, and see what evolution does to your ecosystem!
Corrected spelling to vOlcano :P
Plankton and algae fixes:
* Only non-plankton algae can now involve into plants
* Plankton can now evolve into macro-algae and vice versa
* Plankton is now limited to 1 per cell, and no longer stacks (plankton towers)
* Algae are no longer invisible after manual placement
* Mutating an alga no longer leads to plankton by default
Grass fixes:
* Grass now continues to spread after saving and loading
* Grass does now mutate into single plants and vice vesra
Plant editor and seed fixes:
* The camera no longer goes wild when selecting rotes while rotating
* You no longer get a crash if you have two different seeds and then use the space bar
Plant fixes:
* You can no longer evolve plants where the roots are far below the rest of the plant
* There are now low poly models for all possible fruits, so your fruit design in the world looks similar to how it looked in the plant editor
Instinct editor fixes:
* Using the instinct editor no longer accidentally removes bodyparts
* The game no longer glitches out after removing instincts
Ocean level fixes:
* Starting the game with a season with non-default ocean hight no longer leads to a crash
* Raising the ocean on smaller map sizes no longer leads to strange organism sizes
Sandbox UI fixes:
* The epoch view should now work with all screen sizes
* The game no longer incorrectly shows the sandbox panel during organism placement
Misc fixes:
* The scenario list no longer shows duplicate scenarios
* The default resolution is no longer your native one (because the game only supports 16:9, while your native might be something different)