[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31019566/e637f24396804f9753e2716cac2e5175ddb871e4.png[/img] [quote]Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Unstable branch on Steam by right clicking City Game Studio in your Steam library, and then select ‘Properties’. In the new window, select ‘Betas’. The Unstable branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Unstable, in case they want to avoid spoilers. Please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] [h2]Changelog[/h2] [h3]Balancing[/h3][list][*] Adjust Grantendo swap data [*] Adjust Gamestation 4 data [*] Adjust Gamestation 5 data [*] Adjust VBox series V data [*] Add end of life for the VBox zero and adjust data [*] Add end of life for the Vega Vita [*] Add end of life for the Grantendo 3DS and adjust data[/list] [h3]Platforms[/h3][list][*] Add Grantendo Swap 2[/list] [h3]Misc[/h3][list][*] When updating a game and having a very large company, it might makes the game really slow[/list] [h3]Custom-platform[/h3][list][*] When setting the custom-platform price, the game computes it's profit per unit then dynamically adjusts the console's price based on it's profit when the manufacturing costs gets cheaper.[/list] [h3]Bugfix[/h3][list][*] [DE] Translation: "Time since last used" and "Game Type" are switched around (at least in the german version?). In my case it read (translated): "You have already released a Cyberpunk-8-Game in the last RPG Months" [*] Cannot cancel a game update [*] When loading a savegame with a game that's is being updated, then you cannot update this game anymore[/list]