Hello everyone! I'm happy to be back with you. While I didn't have much time to work on v1.22 last week, I still managed to implement what I promised. [h3]Week in Review[/h3] When updating a game, you can now add 4 in-app purchases per update. I initially said 8, but 4 seems better for performance. I've verified and tested this - it works well and models adapt automatically. There shouldn't be any performance impact. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31019566/143d624522155ab5df08f60b2bc86331c1171a79.png[/img] I also fixed a minor bug that prevented games without microtransactions from getting them through updates. This issue is now resolved. Another small bug concerning the studio director has been fixed. Now the director will continue making games even after canceling the last one. Thanks for reporting this bug! [h3]What's Next[/h3] There's still much to do, but I plan to tackle studio copy/paste and other furnishing improvements. However, these modifications will likely take more than a week, so there might not be an update next Wednesday, or if there is one, it could be very unstable. I'd prefer to avoid that. Overall, v1.22 is progressing well, and I'm very pleased with its direction. Actually, with all these City Game Studio updates, I feel like I could keep working on this game for years and never be finished. But fortunately for me, and especially for you, City Game Studio 2 is in the pipeline. Though I haven't started working on it yet, there are already game design ideas that would make it a distinct entry in the series. That's all for this week, Thank you for reading, Xavier aka Binogure