Hi everyone! Today, big stability update! The game had a tendency to crash a bit too often for my taste, so I spent quite some time fixing all that. [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] The game had some issues with random crashes: - When making a game sequel (as if making a game wasn't stressful enough!) - When releasing a game for your future console (looks like the game doesn't like time travel) - And when porting a game as a publisher (that one was just to annoy you) I also fixed some other stuff: - Czech translations have been reworked - The company logo creator had a silent error on first launch. The kind that makes the game act weird without telling you why. That's fixed! - Added a one-frame delay for game updates. Basically, this prevents information from displaying incorrectly or the game from crashing [h3]Misc[/h3] - Improved Steam integration (because we like it when things work well with Steam) - Brought back the old company/studio button (sometimes, better is the enemy of good!) [h3]Known Issues[/h3] There's still that small issue with online games where the number of units sold includes retention figures. I haven't forgotten about it, I'm working on it! [h3]What's Coming Next[/h3] I'm still working on: - Reworking studio furnishing (with those copyable templates) - Reducing console manufacturing costs based on sales That's all for today! As usual, if you find any other bugs, don't hesitate to let me know. Have a great gaming session! Xavier aka Binogure