Patch v1.1.9.1527 Released!

Heritage - A Dragon's Tale

Conquer 17 challenging levels in this 2D platformer adventure game, using a combination of spells, your sword, and other skills and abilities. Explore the overworld between levels, defeat demons, find secrets, and gain experience to make yourself stronger for the challenges ahead.

Hey everyone! Really small patch here. This one addresses an issue with connecting a gamepad to your PC to play the game [i]after[/i] startup: [list] [*] Changed the controls on the choice dialog box that appears when the game detects a controller after the game was started. Instead of confirming or canceling use of a controller with the keyboard, players now use the connected gamepad to answer yes or no. [/list] Hopefully this will help address an issue a couple players have had when trying to use a gamepad but their keyboard layout wasn't the expected layout. You can verify you get the patch by the version info in the window title and on the titlescreen reading "" Thanks for your continued support ^^