(Hotfix) Patch v1.1.7.1523 is Live!

Heritage - A Dragon's Tale

Conquer 17 challenging levels in this 2D platformer adventure game, using a combination of spells, your sword, and other skills and abilities. Explore the overworld between levels, defeat demons, find secrets, and gain experience to make yourself stronger for the challenges ahead.

Hey everyone! I know I pushed a patch just a couple minutes ago but a friend on discord found a couple things that I forgot to check before pushing that last patch earlier, my apologies 😅 [list] [*] Fixed a semi-softlock in Dawnbreak Tomb where there was no water collision in a specific area, which could trap players without the Wind Jump spell either until they killed themselves on the giant spike or exited the stage altogether [*] Fixed several typos [*] Fixed a missing wall collision in the Underground Base level [*] Reduced the amount of dialogue in General Mechos' opening scene to speed up the intro a bit. [*] Fixed a minor visual bug where Ash's note in the intro cutscene was invisible [/list] Again, my apologies for putting another patch out so soon, but I felt compelled to address these issues, however small or easily missable they may be 😅 You can confirm your copy is up to date by seeing v1.1.7.1523 in the titlescreen or in the game window's title, Thank you always for your support!