Patch v1.1.19.1547 Released!

Hey all! New, small patch today! Pretty specific bugs this time: [list] [*] Fixed a crash that would occur when entering the boss zone for the Yggdrasil level while the Portuguese language was in use [*] Added missing translation for the pre-boss cutscene in the Yggdrasil level while the Portuguese language was in use [/list] My apologies, I used DeepL for the game's translations, and sometimes it added extra context for the translations outside of the quotation marks which caused the game to freak out when those specific lines of dialogue were in use, or it missed entire lines of dialogue during the translation. I guess my game has too much text 😅 Anyhow, thanks to those who reported this issue! You can validate your game version in the window title and on the title screen reading "v1.1.19.1547". Thanks as always for your support!