Patch v0.23f

Tower of Kalemonvo

Crawl to the top of the TOWER OF KALEMONVO, a hardcore isometric ARPG with randomly generated levels meant for fans of slower paced action games. Fight cultists and monsters, scavenge for magical loot, learn powerful spells and fully customize your stats and skills!

greetings i must start by thanking everyone who tested the game and wrote their feedback. i am thrilled that so many of you took time out of your day to write me your thoughts and suggestions for the game. there is still a lot left to do, but this is the first step in the proper direction. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43789410/017ce545eea32527f34c59219ec60e43624191c7.png[/img] to thank you all, have a peek at the Truth Seeker enemy concept and model. this guy isn't a WIP - in fact he's been an enemy for a few months now. he exists deep in the Lost Corridors and you'll see him in the full release of the game, whenever that is. until further notice, the demo will remain only up until the end of the Halls of Pain. anyway, without further ado, here is patch v0.23f! Your saves [b]SHOULD WORK[/b] just fine. Let me know if they don't. [b]New Content / Additions:[/b] -Added infinite fountain in rest zones. They fully heal your HP/Mana and have infinite uses. -Added a Potion Converter structure. it converts potions from Mana to HP, for free, forever. -Open doors no longer block vision or projectiles. -Swapping weapons remembers the weapon's last used Combat Art and equips it [b]Enemies:[/b] -Enemies now no longer eat inputs or act as valid targets if they are not visible to the player -When an enemy takes any damage, they will alert all other enemies in a small range around them. -Buffed all Named enemies' movespeed by a small amount -Cultist Apprentice aggressiveness increased -Cultist Apprentice will no longer wander around for long distances if player is in their line of sight -Cultist Apprentice attack cooldown lowered (this is the time spent between deciding to attack and starting the attack animation. tis time is spent in the Idle pose) -Named Cultist Apprentice attack cooldown removed -Named Cultist Apprentice is much more aggressive and will only rarely do a walk action twice in a row, opting to attack every 2nd action instead, -Increased Cultist Apprentice and Named Cultist Apprentice damage by a considerable amount. -Buffed Skeleton and Mimic HP -Improved Bloodsoaked Guard behavior and visuals slightly to help communicate his actions [b]Potions:[/b] -Swapping potions in the Hotbar now plays a sound -Removed small collider on the text at the bottom of a slot, which would block mouse input -Potion slot type was never used since nobody knew of it. Game now starts with the first three slots bound to HP only. -Potion slot type is now saved when saving the game [b]Misc:[/b] -Terrain color bug fixed, which wouldn't save the proper terrain colors of a level -Fixed a door navmesh issue which could block player movement -Removed a collider from the broken shrine prop -Slight animation improvements for two-handed weapons -Fixed some UI bugs -Nerfed Gimmiko's Hat modifier roll on Gaining Mana every 10 Hits -Added two new dungeon room types -More rooms got the rare tag, including the fountain rooms on Lower Dungeon 1 -Starter bow damage buffed. Can no longer start with 0-1 damage -Changed some unique item properties, such as the Underworld Gladiator Helm -Added some props to Halls of Pain that's it for now. as always, thank you very much for reading. please let me know your thoughts and report any issues you may have. until next time -osur