Patch Notes v1.3.16

Ctrl Alt Ego

Innovative immersive sim with emphasis on problem-solving and creativity. Prey 2017 meets Portal, but with its own systems and mechanics. One of the best games of 2022 according to various credible sources (see store page) and one of the top puzzle games on PC according to RPS. Try the demo!

[h1]But first, an announcement[/h1] Before I list the changes for this patch, let me first announce sneakily here that New Game Plus (NG+) is coming in a major update on [b]15th April[/b]. You'll get a new gravity manipulation ability, there's a new enemy variant, different enemy placements, at least one new shortcut/skips, some surprises along the way, and you can carry over your resources from any existing save. [h1]Patch Notes v1.3.16[/h1] [list] [*] Fix issue whereby a previously serialized Bug that had since been reprinted could end up thinking it was still inside DAD [*] Fix: Correction to bug grab state across level loads - could end up in a state where it never cleared the grabbed thing [*] Fix: Egonomics - Exterior geometry was disabled in the Comms Tower section! Might have been broken since v1.3.0, oups. [*] Fix: The Cloud elevators were missing ceiling collider! Also probably broken since v1.3.0 [*] Improvement: For ultra low VRAM PCs, the game will now run with a very low texture budget - meaning it will look very bad but at least it will run. Anything under 1GB VRAM is considered ultra-low. One player was able to complete the entire game with a mere 128MB VRAM. [/list] Patch Size: 19 MB