Patch Notes v1.2.10

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Innovative immersive sim with emphasis on problem-solving and creativity. Prey 2017 meets Portal, but with its own systems and mechanics. One of the best games of 2022 according to various credible sources (see store page) and one of the top puzzle games on PC according to RPS. Try the demo!

[h1]Patch Notes v1.2.10[/h1] [h3]Pup Power[/h3] Pup bark (bach) gains an extra function... the sheer sonic force of the bach can now give objects a little jolt. [previewyoutube=Oiq0YiAEB7E;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Other Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fix/Change: Matey Boy recharger bots can now charge Pups when they're inside the little cages [*] Fix: Slight visual glitch with Pup camera seeing its own eye when turning fast [*] Tweak: Ceiling lights in Conscious Robot Services residential better shadows from the evil eyes [*] Fix (hope): Added some safety colliders around Freight Workshop to prevent pups falling off the map [*] Fix: There were a few DAD broken piece instances in Freight Workshop that needed updating (they weren't responding correctly to physics) [*] A few Turkish translation fix-ups [/list]