Patch Notes: v1.0.2

JumpJet Rex

Test your dinosaur jump-jet skills with a game that redefines the platformer genre, aptly renaming it "platflyer." Simply put, you're a t-rex with rocket boots trying to save earth from an incoming asteroid. Do you have what it takes to stop it?

We've pushed an update today with a number of bug fixes and small tweaks. Theses include: * Change: Removed off-screen coins from Seedmore and Globowski * Change: Reduced number of stars required to play Final Boss by 5% (from 81 > 75) * Fix: Linux crash on Bonus Platforms & Switching Scenes * Fix: Music not looping in end levels * Fix: Bug with 126 stars instead of 123 (Leaderboard Planet was being counted) * Fix: No longer will set screen size > native screen resolution * Fix: Flickeing on BossHealthBar when filling up * Fix: Added workaround for WarpDoors triggering when not on door (needs testing / confirmation) * Fix: Missing text for Japanese and Korean locales * COOP Fix: Camera would not center properly on all players if player 1 died * COOP Fix: Players not spaced correctly when respawned at checkpoints * COOP Fix: Player-On-Player collisions disabled on Easy Mode