Patch Notes V 1.0.1 and Future Roadmap

Doomsday Paradise

Can you get a date before the end of the world? Doomsday Paradise is a goofy, multiplayer dating sim about finding love before the apocalypse. With over 130 different endings and 12 different singles to woo- no two games will ever be the same.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41677891/79c710cf84385afb6ffd4c5c9ee9307a58f92b50.png[/img] [h1]First- THANK YOU![/h1] We've had a really incredible launch. I'm writing this about a day before this patch will go live- and at the time of writing we have a 99% positive review rate after spending over a day on New and Trending! I'm a first time commercial dev, so the response being so positive has been completely overwhelming. Thank you all for your support and understanding even when things don't behave perfectly. I'm committed to ensuring that Doomsday continues to get better with time. [h1]Patch Notes Version 1.0.1[/h1] Launch has been extremely smooth and relatively bug free- but not quite perfect! There's a few obvious pain points in some small areas that this patch is meant to address. [h2]New Features[/h2] [list][*] You can now bring up tooltips for your active card by pressing the "Show Stats" button (Alt on PC, bumpers on controllers). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41677891/ee558fed63a05155429f2813cd8407542e4e7bf6.png[/img] [*] You can now bring up tooltips for your active items by hovering over them with the mouse. Note that this doesn't work on skills or equipped weapons, which have damage calculation baked in. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41677891/fc511387900bf783c658c6fa07ea792e6bc486d8.png[/img] [/list] [h2]Feature Changes[/h2] [list][*] The mouse will no longer be hidden when a controller is plugged in. [*] If you continue pressing left or right in the crush screen, you'll continue scrolling through your potential dates.[/list] [h2]Bugfixes[/h2] [list][*] Trying to reroll without any reroll tokens will no longer cause the back / close menu button to lock out. [*] Typo fixes. [*] Pressing the back / cancel button closes the purify menu and not the underlying item menu when the purify window is active. [*] Fixed an issue where, in online multiplayer games with 3-4 players, the joining players could disconnect from one another during a dialogue sequence and cause the game to indefinitely hang.[/list] [h1]Roadmap[/h1] We're only a few days past release, so I can't give a complete overview of what to expect- a lot of it hasn't been scoped out yet. I do want to touch on where my head currently is at, but that doesn't mean any of this is set in stone. Treat the below as [i]tentative plans[/i] and not as promises or guarantees. [h2]Online Improvements[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41677891/f64a6131919528c9a64b68a84375d17b4bc4dded.png[/img] I'm a solo developer, which means I can't easily test online connectivity in a lot of circumstances (cross country connections, differences in connection quality, etc.,) And we're seeing the consequences of that a little bit. For some players, online is smooth and there are no issues. For others, the game crashes at the very end and they lose an hour or more of progress. My absolute first priority is ensuring that fewer games fall apart after a disconnect. If you've had bugged or crashed games during online, please reach out via Discord or the Steam community forums with a description of what happened. Please be as specific as possible. "It broke" isn't helpful, but "Someone picked a choice and then the game just hanged for everyone, here's the log file" is! There isn't really [b]one[/b] bug with online, but many tiny bugs, so please be patient and report issues as you encounter them! They're very difficult for me to reproduce on my own, but every single bug report helps. [h2]Saving Mid Game[/h2] Saving mid game wasn't added because game sessions are pretty short. But when an online game crashes, it's nice to have a backup- and sometimes you don't want to dedicate a whole 2 hours to a 4 player game. I'll be investigating mid game saves so that, when the worst happens, you can resume where you left off. Save systems tend to be pretty complex and it's easy to miss things- so I do request everyone be patient while I figure out how best to implement this. This goes hand in hand with the online improvements as top priority, since having a backup makes the damage done by a disconnect much less severe. This will require a bit of UI work, and since we're close to the holidays this might take some time to get playable and polished. [h2]New Content[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41677891/de1f84d0299d10d0bcb2722d8fb2e3ed0eb67d8c.gif[/img] Did you know there are 3 bosses in Doomsday Paradise? Most content will drop in waves but the very first content update will be a standalone boss, just to inject some variety into your games (since the 3rd boss is super hard to unlock). I'll be scoping out the size of future updates after we're through our launch week and I know how much we can realistically afford to spend. All currently planned updates will be relatively small content wise, but completely free. [h1]Cosmetic or Major Content Updates[/h1] Future content updates are planned to be small because they're funded through the game's prior Kickstarter. That puts things like new player characters, new romance options, new costumes, big scenario packs, and so on out of reach. If you're really interested in seeing [b]more[/b] of those things- let me know! If enough people are interested, we can definitely try some DLC, but I want to ensure we focus on things players actually want. Try to be specific if you can! And, of course, if you'd rather I start on another game or a sequel instead- that's also fair and valid. Just leave your feedback where I can find it! I'll be reading through them in the coming week.