🛠️ Patch Notes - Hot Fix #2


Gear up, team up, and exterminate! Become the ultimate mech pilot in BIG SHOTS, the action-packed VR roguelite where you’ll battle alien hordes, earn upgrades, and forge an unstoppable mech to reclaim Earth.

[h1]Hello Rookies![/h1] Our team has been hard at work to fix all of the bugs that you all brought to our attention in the feedback channel on Discord. We've been hard at work and we fixed the following issues: [h2]🐞Enemies[/h2] [u][b]The Mudmuncher[/b][/u] [i](the digging enemies)[/i] • [b]Attack hitboxes have been reduced in size[/b], allowing you to dodge much easier. • Mudmunchers will now also [b]exit the ground much more often[/b], giving more opportunities to hit them. [u][b]General[/b][/u] • The Enemy Waves that spawn during Bosses [b]have been spread out much more[/b], giving breaks between waves and giving you the opportunity to do some heavy damage! •[b] The Queen’s Stalagmite attack[/b] is now the same size as the Mudmuncher Boss’ Stalagmite attack, making it easier to dodge. • The Spewer now needs to have an uninterrupted line of sight to a target before attempting to fire a salvo. (This is additionally to also having to succeed in an “Arch” check to see if the projectile would reach). • [b]Improved Grunt attacks: [/b]They will no longer get stuck outside of attack range when they are close by and can’t attack. [h2]⛽Locomotion[/h2] • [b]The Jetpack now uses less fuel,[/b] making it easier to remain afloat and reach some of the higher platforms. (Note: We realized not a lot of players were using the jetpack, so with this tweak, we hope to make the overall jetpack experience more forgiving and rewarding). [h2]🎯Quality-of-Life[/h2] • We have added a [b]Recalibrate Button[/b]! You are now able to use the in-game menu to recenter yourself in the Mech and the Hangar! (Note: This is only available on the Steam version). • You can find it immediately in the Mech Menu when in a run, or under “[b]Settings → Gameplay Settings → Recalibrate[/b]” in the Hangar. We have added a [b]Seated Disclaimer[/b] to the start of the game. (Note: we saw a lot of content creators standing up in their footage. Everyone is allowed to play standing, but hopefully, this will make it more clear that BIG SHOTS is designed as a seated experience). [h2]🛠️Major Fixes[/h2] • [b]Game Stability Improvements! [/b]We have made dozens of changes that should result in a more stable experience and fewer issues overall, as well as transitioning between levels. • [b]Losing Upgrades: [/b]We have found and solved many issues that may cause players to lose upgrades during a run. That sucks! While we are confident that we have resolved the majority of causes, some edge cases may remain, so make sure to get in touch if this occurs again! • [b]Endless Loading Screens:[/b] Fixed various instances of internal errors causing the loading screen to never disable • [b]Fixed an issue with the Fire Rate + Upgrades:[/b] some combinations caused fire rate to reset, causing you not to have the full benefit of all upgrades. This should no longer be the case. • Fixed an issue where [b]Highroll would reset your damage[/b] to a lower default value after the effect expired. This should no longer be the case. • Fixed an issue where [b]“Healing” permanent upgrades[/b] (Vampiric and Lifesteal) in certain scenarios would result in the player losing health instead of gaining health. This should no longer be the case. [h2]🛠️Minor Fixes[/h2] • [b]Fixed spawn points in some levels that caused Bosses to appear inside of walls.[/b] • The Jetpack handle texture was improved! • Corrected fireworks sounds in the victory celebration level. • Increased font size of the “[b]Searching for Room[/b]” screen. • Fixed the Queen’s corpse not despawning in the victory celebration level. • Fixed a Vine being untextured in “[b]The Portal[/b]” level. [h2]📌Known Issues[/h2] • [b]We're aware that waves sometimes don't spawn enemies[/b], we're actively focusing on this issue. More information on this is coming soon! Thank you all so much for the support so far on BIG SHOTS, we will continue to work hard to bring you the best possible experience! 🙌 [b]As always, please keep the feedback coming![/b] We will see you on the battlefield! 🤜🤛