Devlog #4 - The Evolution of the Mech


Gear up, team up, and exterminate! Become the ultimate mech pilot in BIG SHOTS, the action-packed VR roguelite where you’ll battle alien hordes, earn upgrades, and forge an unstoppable mech to reclaim Earth.

[previewyoutube=ZtYuDlGTBXY;full][/previewyoutube] [u][b][h2]Introduction Chat[/h2][/b][/u] Greetings, Rookies! I'm Mikail from the BIG SHOTS® team, and I'm excited to welcome you to the fourth edition of our BIG SHOTS® Devlog, dated 03-21! Today, we're excited to share an inside look into the artistic evolution of BIG SHOTS®, shedding light on our creative process. In this fourth entry, we're focusing on the initial concept sketches to the latest iterations, as we've worked hard to refine and perfect our vision. We'll explore our mech design's transformative journey, highlighting the important changes and innovations that have shaped its current form. Expect the inspiration behind our designs, the challenges we've faced, and the breakthroughs that have pushed us forward. So, without further ado, let's dive into the artistic evolution of BIG SHOTS® and uncover the story behind the mechs that have become the heart and soul of our game. [u][b][h2]The Mech Evolution in Big Shots[/h2][/b][/u] From the beginning of our development journey, we've gone through various visual iterations, shaping and reshaping some of our core assets. Today, let's delve into the captivating evolution of the mech. In the early days of preproduction, our mech wish list was clear and concise: 1. [b]Focus on Accessibility[/b]: We aimed for a user-friendly mechanical design, ensuring accessibility was at the forefront. 2. [b]Natural Vignette for Movement[/b]: Seeking a seamless experience, we envisioned a natural vignette that seamlessly complements movement within the game. 3. [b]A Sense of Scale[/b]: Our goal was to make players feel monumental in the vast world we were creating. 4. [b]Tough and Solid Aesthetic[/b]: We craved a mech that exuded toughness and solidity, a visual testament to its resilience. 5. [b]Expandability Options[/b]: With an eye on the future, we wanted our mech to offer numerous possibilities for expansion and customization. 6. [b]Versatility for Weapons[/b]: Given the gameplay dynamics, we decided on a range of weapons for the mech—both long and short-range. While we initially dreamed of incorporating melee attacks (which you can see in many early concepts), the reality check hit. Physics and IK didn't quite sync up with the tech of the time and didn't align with the gameplay we envisioned. It was a tough call, but we opted against it, knowing that, in the end, it wouldn't have added the desired punch to our game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/2e293c36e68290bca5a35922be73172a66c0d14e.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/07be9e8930f882cdc0b217c4e69e823dbf9f839d.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/fa9f77288230020e13eec9fdae3608cab6c750bb.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/519db2737d78a049cd9b256bcd6650001236c8b8.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/27bb799f3566f4d6c751170d8d5938271b9ca7ce.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/1a100d7e1a16a1d481400b7934d7589a4c8d9f25.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/1552f06f811743349fd87195909346f5cf77aa3b.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/960bc48f8a80b65e5cd1c62f3b673cbd1901367f.png[/img] The old mech served us well initially, but as development unfolded, so did the understanding of its limitations. [b]Limitations of the Original Design[/b]: 1. [b]Flexibility Challenges[/b]: The original design hit a roadblock regarding flexibility. It didn't offer the adaptability we needed for continuous improvement. 2. [b]Issues with IK (Inverse Kinematics)[/b]: The mech's Inverse Kinematics, particularly in the arms, posed a challenge. Achieving a 1:1 synchronization with the player's arms wasn't playing out as smoothly as we'd hoped. 3. [b]Lacking Human Element[/b]: One realization was that the mech needed a more human touch. We wanted players to feel like a person was inside, adding a layer of relatability to the mechanical giant. 4. [b]Infusing a Worker Vibe[/b]: Shifting gears in our vision, we sought to inject a distinct worker vibe into the mech's aesthetic, aligning it with the overarching theme. 5. [b]Illuminating Darker Levels[/b]: Recognizing the need for versatility, we envisioned lights atop the mech, keeping the option open for future levels that could be darker. As our artistic vision evolved, it became apparent that the original design needed a revamp to better mesh with our art style's newest vibe and overcome the practical challenges we encountered during development. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/08478842ada50796ec0fdbfb3cba485d06635312.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/472964c03cf7eb2b8c9fef5f2d643feeb7f8878c.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/6469e50789dc47b366eb647092e85e51c9dc3d6b.png[/img] While these concepts were being made, certain elements stood out to all of us. It was like a collective "aha" moment for every part that we would need, eventually leading us to the glorious Mech we have today. These favored components came together, shaping our current powerhouse of a Mech. It's a testament to the collaborative journey, where each iteration contributed to the evolution of a mech worthy of becoming a Big Shot! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44740245/f3b9237d1d3eb556ac31db6d6ae0bdd8f080327f.png[/img] [u][b][h2]Mech 3.0[/h2][/b][/u] With the redesign, not only did the Mech gain the physical presence we desired, but the introduction of new weapons also made much more sense in design. It was like finding the missing pieces of a puzzle that brought the Mech to a new level of functionality and badassery. Moreover, we tackled the Inverse Kinematics (IK) challenge head-on. The result? Vast improvements. The Mech's arms now sync up much more seamlessly with the player's arms, achieving that coveted 1:1 connection we strived for. It's incredible how these tweaks and refinements transformed the Mech into the powerhouse it is today in terms of aesthetics and functionality. [u][b][h2]Final[/h2][/b][/u] This concludes today’s edition of our Big Shots Dev Blog. We will continue working hard on BIG SHOTS® -Mikail, signing out [u][b]Follow us on our socials:[/b][/u] [list] [*] [b][url=]TikTok[/url][/b] [*] [b][url=]Twitter[/url][/b] [*] [b][url=]Instagram[/url][/b] [*] [b][url=]Facebook[/url][/b] [*] [b][url=]Discord[/url][/b] [*] [b][url=]Reddit[/url][/b] [/list][i][b]Gear up, team up, and exterminate![/b][/i] [b]The Big Shots Team[/b]