Patch notes for v1.514: Bugfixes!

Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate

Chess, but you replace your entire army with a royal shotgun. A unique strategy roguelike based on the timeless checkboard classic.

[i][b]Hi royals![/b][/i] Thanks to everyone who reported bugs [url=][b]on our Discord![/b][/url] We did a first quickpatch on Tuesday to fix one hard crash and instances of the game crashing on launch on Linux and Mac. Now we take care of the more minor stuff. Here's the changelog for this one! [list] [*][BUGFIX] Elusive now works properly with pieces than are blocked [*][BUGFIX] Pieces no longer update their move timer while they're stunned [*][BUGFIX] Only the first rat hitting a bleeding piece during the same turn gets the bleed bonus [*][BUGFIX] No more double sound on pause exit [*][BUGFIX] Stun now transfers to morphing pieces [*][BUGFIX] Adjusted deepwater description (Knight can't attack from moat) [*][BUGFIX] Commoner's Reign now adds a knight to the white army [*][BUGFIX] Sokoban rooks can't push leaders anymore [*][BUGFIX] False Kings morph to knight AFTER bouncing back to board with Bouncy Castle [*][BUGFIX] Monarch's Confidence doesn't give negative firepower for overfed shotgun anymore [*][BUGFIX] Triggering Spy with Black Mist won't result in multiple disrupt panels and deafening sound [*][BUGFIX] Militia is now properly removed from pawn when sabotaged [*][BUGFIX] Seer's Orb attack target is now updated after holoking's death [*][BUGFIX] Humiliation achievement is now fixed [*][BUGFIX] Finer arrow detection for folly shields [*][BUGFIX] Lifting the Seer's Orb's target with King's Shoulders now sends the Seer's Orb to some other piece [/list] As usual, thank you all for the love and support! We hope you're enjoying the new content! [i]-PUNKCAKE Délicieux[/i] 🥞