[b]Hello royals![/b]
[b]We'd like to wish you some happy holidays and some not-too-horrible family dinners![/b] We know how it is. We thought you might appreciate a new Shotgun King patch. It's mostly fixes, but it's always nicer to play a game without encountering bugs! We also got someone who knows their stuff to review and improve the spanish localization, and someone else to localize it further for Latin American Spanish! [i]Yay for more localizations![/i]
Before leaving you with the changelog, now seems as good a time as any to point out that we have a lot of other games and that they are all on sale right now! We also have a few upcoming games that you can get excited about and wishlist now if you can find it in your heart! [b]You can find all this [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/punkcake/]on our developper page![/url][/b] [i](consider following it!)[/i]
Okay, here's the changelog:
[*][BALANCE] Inquisition bishops are less likely to target Moles and Undercover Mission tiles if other moves are available
[*][BALANCE] Black Mist now teleports you to an actually safe tile even if you are in stealth
[*][BUGFIX] Bishops and rooks will no longer use Tag Team for no reason
[*][BUGFIX] Rooks will no longer use Sokoban for no reason, and are less likely to sacrifice other pieces
[*][BUGFIX] Rooks will no longer use Sokoban on you when you are in stealth
[*][BUGFIX] Sokoban rooks will now actually try to kill you if they have the chance
[*][BUGFIX] Fixed a bug where pieces could stack on top of each other because of simultaneous Sokoban pushes and Tag Team swaps
[*][BUGFIX] Fixed a rare crash on aiming with a game controller
[*][BUGFIX] On a gamepad, pressing B no longer triggers special abilities
[*][BUGFIX] Fixed the Discord link on the title screen
[*][BUGFIX] Seer's Orb now positions itself correctly above the boss white king
[*][BUGFIX] Horsemen no longer get buckler and bow when you step on the third Unholy Call pentacle
[*][BUGFIX] Stepping up to the mole as you kill it with Royal Loafers will no longer crash the game
[*][BUGFIX] Folly shields now properly warn you against shooting at a pawn when you have Low-Cost Disguise but a Mangonel rook is about to fire at you
[*][BUGFIX] Mangonel shot line and circle now properly disappear if canceled with Castling
[*][BUGFIX] Sabotaging Vampirism now properly removes blood sucking abilities from queens and leaders
[*][BUGFIX] More precise knockback
[*][BUGFIX] Fixed rendering of kite shields on knightmares
[*][BUGFIX] You can no longer shoot before reloading ends
[*][BUGFIX] King's Shoulders now explicitely excludes blade cards using codex tags
[*][BUGFIX] Moving into an Inquisition bishop's path with holocloak will now properly use up a folly shield
[*][BUGFIX] The correct track is now played after triggering Black Mist during a secret boss fight
[*][BUGFIX] If Lady in the Tower places a promoted rook on a square that blocks another threat to the black king, then you are now actually saved from that threat
[*][BUGFIX] Fixed button hitbox position for reloading the shotgun with the mouse
[*][BUGFIX] Fixed a bug were pieces would appear to slide on the board after getting pushed off the board by a Sokoban rook then saved by Bouncy Castle or Black Mist
[*][BUGFIX] Poor cannonballs can no longer be scared
[*][LANG] The spanish translation was reviewed and reworked
[*][LANG] The spanish translation was further localized into a LATAM spanish translation!
[b]Have a very nice end of the year and don't forget to be naughty next year, gotta deserve that lump of coal![/b]
[b]Love you,[/b]
[i]-PUNKCAKE Délicieux[/i] 🥞