Patch Notes/Dev Update


Grow, fight, collect and evade in the last cosmic arena the very end of time. Acquire MASS to evolve your EXOFORM from the nimble ATOM to the godlike OMEGA and compete for fun and dominance in a fast-paced, multiplayer shooter. ATOMEGA™ !

[img][/img] [h1]Version: 49346[/h1] This week has been about listening to that all important community feedback! We are aware that most of you would like to see more content added to the game and I am happy to say that we've started to work on this. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for updates here & on []Twitter[/url]. We thought it would be nice to take the opportunity to introduce you to the dev team, considering you see them posting on the forums + it's always nice to add faces to names. So here they are doing an impression of their favourite EXOFORM, the dino-tastic SAUR! [img][/img] Today's patch however, focuses on fixes that aim to improve your match finding experience and fixes based on the reports we've received. [list][*]Matchmaking flow improvements to help players find matches more easily, reducing the creation of new matches. [*]Added ability to retry ‘find match’ at the end of Waiting for Players. Other matches may have had slots become available during this time, this will make it easier to potentially join those. [*]Added new messaging to highlight when a strict NAT is in use. A router with a strict NAT prevents some players from playing together, so giving more visibility to this issue to help players troubleshoot. [*]Improvements and fixes to text in all languages. [*]Possible fix for issue players spotted with Omega beam occasionally not collecting mass properly. [*]Various other bug fixes[/list] [code][b][h1]Note:[/h1][/b] If you see error 4080 when joining a friend, this is a version mismatch and either you or your friend haven't yet updated to the latest patched version of the game. You should both check your version number (should be 49346) in the Play menu or in Settings, and if it isn't correct, just update the game in Steam.[/code] As always, we'd love to []hear from you on the forums[/url]. Impressions of your favourite EXOFORMs are encouraged, but not compulsory! ;-) [h1]:ExoformAtom:...ATOMEGA Dev Team ...:ExoformCel: [/h1]