Patch Notes - August 08

Tiny Thor

Jump into this challenging retro platformer! Play as Thor, use his mighty hammer and unique items to explore the Northern Realms. Beware of mythical creatures blocking your path to become a god!

[b]Changes :star:[/b] [list] [*] Updated PT localization for improved translations. [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] :bug: [list] [*] Resolved a softlock issue in challenge level V. Players should no longer get stuck. [*] Fixed a bug where special letters were displayed in uppercase instead of lowercase. [*] Addressed a glitch in level 27 where one boss pattern could cause players to be stuck outside the fighting area. [*] After defeating the Loki Boss and destroying the Mirror, the reflections of the mirror would still be rendered. This has been fixed, and reflections now turn off properly upon mirror destruction. [*] Rectified a weird beaming behavior in the Jormugandr Boss encounter. [*] Resolved dash through small gaps issue: Dashing through small gaps could lead to unintended teleportation. [/list] Thank you for your continued support as we work to enhance your gaming experience! May the whimsy of Nordic mythology continue to bring joy to your adventures in the world of Tiny Thor. Skål! :beers: