Patch Notes 8

Forward Line

Forward Line is a two player, medium weight, skill-based strategy game with a World War Two theme. It features internet and hotseat multiplayer and single player against the computer.

[h1]Version Update: CharlieDeltaZuluBeefaholic[/h1] I finally got the single player AI to work on the larger maps! This was a tough update. Yes, that's all I've been doing for the past months. The old way was each time a player wanted to move a unit, the game would calculate all the legal moves. However, when the AI had to evaluate thousands of units on the large map, over and over, it was just too much work and it would crash the computer. The new way is each time a unit moves, it's move options after the move are calculated and recorded. So that when the AI needs to know what they are, it's just a lookup instead of calculated fresh every time. The new way is ten times as complicated as the old way, and for a long time there were so, many, bugs. However I believe it is finally working, and though it can take a long time for the computer to take it's turn, the game shouldn't crash. I play tested on the largest map starting with one city, and it took me a month to beat it! That might be more Forward Line than most people have an appetite for, but it was a commonly requested feature so I made it happen. [h1]Future Plans[/h1] I've got an idea for a rule expansion that I think will be fun! However, I still need to learn to make DLC on two platforms, so it will probably be early next year before it's finished. This will likely be a free DLC on Steam which will bring that and the Android version into closer price parity. Right now these are just ideas, and they will need to be tested as to how much fun they will add to the experience. If it turns out it's not as fun as I hoped well... just forget I said anything.