Spelunky 2 builds upon the unique, randomized challenges that made the original a roguelike classic, offering a huge adventure designed to satisfy players old and new. Meet the next generation of explorers as they find themselves on the Moon, searching for treasure and missing family.
[*] Fixed teleport
[*] Players can now use doors during the throwing animation
[*] Fixed Vlad's cape double jump on jumping from a rope while attacking or throwing a bomb
[*] Players are now able to whip against a fragile floor while climbing it with climbing gloves
[*] Prevented vendors from angering on touching honey during their patrol phase
[*] Prevented vendors from increasing wanted level when their corpses get destroyed by a snap trap
[*] Fixed case where players were not being blamed when they caused a UFO to explode in a shop
[*] Prevented vendors and NPCs from blaming the player if they receive damage from a corpse thrown by themselves
[*] Prevented player corpses from stomping monsters
[*] Prevented on sale held backpack from being dropped when the vendor gets angered and the player already has the same backpack equipped
[*] Fixed players not being able to grab paste bombs attached to their bodies under some circumstances
[*] Improved cobra's acid spit to make it more unlikely to affect the player when the player had just stomped the cobra right as the spit had just spawned
[*] Prevented spring trap from pushing the punish ball if the ball can break floors
[*] Prevented chained spike ball from damaging the player when the player is climbing down its chain while the ball is falling
[*] Prevented sticky trap from trapping players that are entering into a pipe
[*] Sparrow will now drop a rope pile instead of a single rope
[*] Added a reward on finishing Sparrow's quest
[*] Fixed issue where challenge rooms might not spawn when coop player coffin rooms had to be created
[*] Fixed bomb thrown by the pitcher's mitt being trapped on a body armored olmite, bouncing back and forth
[*] Prevented monsters spawned from special coffins from dropping any treasure
[*] Prevented dice from being stolen in coop just holding them in the shop while other player leaves the level
[*] Fixed dice shop reward position on carrying two different dice from another level
[*] Climbing gloves now protect against thorny vines while climbing
[*] Fixed double jump on attacking and jumping at the same time (visually noticeable when having spring shoes)
[*] Fixed Kali giving duplicated items to the default player under certain circumstances
[*] Prevented player from being killed by reversed spikes when the player enters the spikes touching the ceiling while using a jetpack
[*] Prevented cat mummy from disappearing when colliding with a blinking player
[*] Fixed Olmites teleporting inside floors on being attacked when they are on an elevator
[*] Reduced mole iframes
[*] Added iframes to present's content
[*] Fixed boomerangs not being whippable under some circumstances
[*] Underwater coffins should no longer deal damage when bouncing
[*] Fixed shield position after using a pipe
[*] Added treasure picking iframes after using a pipe
[*] Fixed mattock being unable to break a push block if the push block was over a door
[*] Prevented vendor's coins from spawning inside floors
[*] Fixed powderkeg exploding when placing a bomb on it
[*] Fixed jump delay on attacking and jumping at the same time while climbing
[*] Fixed turkey's neck not damaging entities on attacking while the rider has unmounted
[*] One vault should now always appear once on each theme
[*] Ghost split timers changed from 30s/30s to 60s/30s
[*] "Big Spender" discount increased to 10% (up from 5%)
[*] Skeleton Key now also opens Udjat's Eye chest
[*] Bouncing off of enemies while stomping slightly increased in order to be able to reach certain ledges
[*] Firebugs will no longer spawn below the drill making it slightly easier for players to go down more safely
[*] Player ghost blow can now move vendors' corpses
[*] Fixed turkey not being cursed on breaking a cursed pot with its head attack
[*] UFOs in attack mode will now be affected by the camera flash
[*] Fixed butterfly state after being moved from a vine with a shield
[*] Webs will now fade out when the player is pushing a block through them
[*] Prevented totem traps from triggering by a mole digging
[*] Fixed issue where stunned players were still sometimes stomping enemies
[*] Fixed issue where players tossed against other entities were using the stomp damage.
[*] Fixed issue where the easy boss's scream could glitch when hitting a player that's holding a shield
[b]Crashes[/b]: [list]
[*] Fixed rare crash when completing the Sun Challenge
[*] Fixed crash when the ending's NPC picks up a pickable item
[*] Fixed telepack related crash
[b]New features[/b]:
[*] Ending playable characters are now unlockable from daily runs
[*] Added "Asinus" constellation suffix for True Crown wearers
[*] Added Total Players count to leaderboards
[b]Online / Leaderboards[/b]:
[*] Fixed block when a player with an Ankh in use is disconnected
[*] Added controller vibration and taskbar icon flash when a new player joins the lobby
[*] Optimized leaderboard cache
[*] Ending a daily will now redirect to leaderboards
[*] Made hired hands more collaborative, preventing them from going for the same target at the same time
[*] Fixed hired hands' pick up priorities
[*] Added a short time margin to prevent hired hands from moving as soon as the level starts
[*] Prevented hired hands from attacking targets that are being held
[*] Fixed hired hands remaining motionless on losing the path to the player
[*] Prevented hired hands from staying motionless on thorny vines
[*] Prevented hired hands from trying to pick up entities placed on thorny vines
[*] Hired hands will now drop the shield on being whipped
[*] Hired hands will now drop the shield if they are about to crush a player
[*] Prevented hired hands from fleeing from passive ghists
[*] Improved detection and handling of falling damage (including falling on lava and some other dangerous places)
[*] Improved hired hands' upward whip attacks
[*] Prevented hired hands from changing their looking direction while attacking
[*] Improved hired hands' attack to try to prevent them from touching the target during the attack
[*] Prevented hired hands from shooting robots and body armored olmites
[*] Improved hired hands' totem/lion trap handling
[*] Improved hired hands' mosquitoes handling
[*] Improved AI ceiling spikes' detection
[*] Fixed hired hands not crossing a door while the player is already crossing it
[*] Hired hands in lost state will now pick items up as well
[*] Hired hands will now try to stomp monsters that can throw or shoot
[*] Moved hired hands' safe point in Olmec to the entrance
[*] Hired hands can now pick items up while resting in Olmec's lair
[*] Improved hired hands' conveyor belt handling
[*] Hired hands will now try to stomp mummy cats
[*] Hired hands will now stay away from floating orbs
[*] Cancelled hired hand's attack to a dangerous mount if it starts being tamed
[*] Fixed certain child's state when he receives damage while he is sleeping in a certain place
[*] Hired hands will now look for rebel hired hands while in stay put mode
[*] Hired hands will now grab and throw paste bombs attached to their bodies
[*] Hired hands will now stomp frozen players
[*] Deathmatch AI will now search for sliding wall switches as well
[*] Prevented deathmatch AI from trying to attack players on pipes
[*] Fixed case where the AI was unable to attack players on a one-tile gap
[b]Minor / Visuals[/b]:
[*] Killing easy boss with land mines no longer voids "Pacifist"
[*] Fixed controller input mapping on switching slots in the character selection scene
[*] Fixed a lot of wrong death causes
[*] Fixed player rotation on passing from a rope to a ladder
[*] Fixed player ghost suddenly disappearing in special tunnels
[*] Fixed pet state in the tunnel after certain golden world
[*] Added ceiling to doors during the tunnel transition on certain froggy themed levels
[*] Prevented hit effects in Lahamu on attacking her with a sword-like weapon after killing her
[*] Prevented thin ice platform from getting on fire by attacking it with a powerpack
[*] The "So close" message will now appear only if the next zone still remains undiscovered
[*] Fixed grub color values on evolving
[*] Changed mounts journal's background
[*] Centered Waddler image in the journal
[*] Fixed on sale backpack looking direction on angering a vendor
[*] Slightly improved popups look
[*] Fixed old sister breath position on Ice Caves
[*] Fixed run recap name and killed-by count for medium and small ghosts
[*] Fixed names in the run recap for some traps
[*] Fixed timed powderkeg not unlocking the powderkeg journal entry
[*] Timed powderkeg's journal entry will now unlock on moving the idol
[*] Fixed Kali's message on sacrificing
[*] Fixed camera transition when players went in or out of the training grounds
[*] Fixed weapon's depth after attacking and jumping at the same time while climbing
[*] NPC dialog sounds are now still played even if dialogs are turned off
[*] Aligned certain king's face
[*] Fixed beehive tile
[*] Fixed more artifacts in textures
[*] Fixed Nekka's push animation
[*] Fixed Au's long fall animation
[*] Fixed Lamassu's face during the flying animation
[*] Fixed some capital letters and typos in texts
[*] Tweaked or added a couple of new room layouts in both the jungle and a certain froggy-themed world
[*] Some more blocked path fixes