Patch Notes 0.6.2-EarlyAccess!

World of Grimm

Dive into the enchanting universe of Grimm Fairytales! Collect powerful cards, engage in fast-paced battles, and rewrite the destiny of iconic characters. Unleash your strategic skills in this captivating and fast-paced collectible card game. Join the adventure now!

[h3]0.6.2-EarlyAccess! Build Change Notes - March 28, 2024 [/h3] We've moved your collection info and unlock orders to server side, there should be less issues with redeeming cards. Fixed a huge issue with cards not showing up or even appearing when you login. [b]NEW CARD ART[/b]: [list] [*] The Woodcutter - Original Art [/list] [b]BALANCE CHANGES[/b]: [list] [*] [b]Thumbling[/b] [i]Nothing has changed in Thumbling's text for the card as the card is powerful enough as it is but still only moderately impacts the game. The changes this patch actually do not let him target a 6 Mana card to bump the Mana cost to 7 making that card unplayable. This is a minor nerf but also a quality of life change to Thumbling. We will keep monitoring his gameplay to see if this requires another adjustment.[/i][/list] [b]CHANGES[/b]: [list] [*] [b]Astral Enclave[/b] no longer lets the match switch between Dusk and Dawn. [*] Exit Game button moved to both Video and Audio settings. [/list] [b]FIXES[/b]: [list] [*] Fixed issue where [b]Snow Queen[/b] would not reduce enemy character's attack. [*] Fixed issue where game would freeze when [b]William Charming[/b] would try to activate his ability on an empty hand. [*] Fixed issue where [b]Nolan Darkwater[/b] would activate his ability at the end of the game. [*] Fixed issue where [b]White Shroud[/b]'s ability would incorrectly flip stats. [/list] [b]KNOWN ISSUES[/b]: [list] [*] We're aware of an issue where [b]Allerleirauh[/b] does not transform correctly and has been currently disabled from all collections. [*] We're aware of an issue where [b]Damien Sykora[/b] does not send the next card you play to the opponent's side. [/list] Join our Discord if you haven't already! [url=][/url] Good luck and happy collecting! Josh Studio Head / Static City Games