[Patch Note] Pack Mule Function added. Bugs fixed

Outpost: Infinity Siege

Command Mobile Outpost and take XEN Firearm to venture deep into the Signet surveillance off-limit area. Collect unique Weapon Units. Amp up the firepower of the Outpost that fights with you. This is an FTD game - FPS, Tower Defense, Base Building and much more all at the same time.

[Patch Notes] v1.0-62ef8f8.2024.0406.19 Dear Commanders, thanks for your patience and support. We are currently investigating and trying to optimize the mid-to-late game performance issues that many players have reported, and it will take some time. Today's patch has been deployed, please refer to the details below for more information. Please note that some of the changes/bug fixes will affect the game's difficulty. [General] 1.Optimized the [Bullet Time] post-progressing effect in Command Mode. 2.Optimzed the experience of deploying Support Facility during [Bullet Time]. 3.New feature added to Pack Mule. Now you can give order in command mode to a Pack Mule to return to the container, and put the items there. 4.Tour will start right after selecting the area without the 5 second waiting time. [Character] 1.Food, drinks, and all kinds of explosives can be stacked together with a limitation of 5. 2.Changed the stored size of the Barrel attachment to 3*1. 3.Changed the stored size of Xenium Vial to 2*1. 4.Players now can reload while firing/aiming/springting without interrupting. 5.Operative’s sudden deceleration at the end of Rocket Glove usage is now more smooth (improvement of inertia). 6.The same inertia improvement has also been implemented on Levitation Boots. [Enemies] 1.Adjustment on Railgun Apostle: Now instead of aiming at the top half of the [Core Tower], it aims at the bottom part of the tower. As a result, structure components on ground floor and second floor will provide some protection to the Core Tower. [Level] 1.Areas in [Windy Desert] have reduced to 2. 2.Futhur optimization of the items location in some POIs. 3.Pack Mule can help to complete [The Nebulas] mission now. [Sound Effects] 1.Optimzied some system-related sound effects. [BUG Fixation] 1.Fixed the problem of some performance anomaly. 2.Fixed the problem of enemies attacking invisible objects in recovery day of [Broder Woodland] on difficulty I & II. 3.Fixed the problem with Nebula Specter attacking players through the wall. 4.Fixed the problem that Scorpions may be stuck in the [Infinity Siege]. 5.Fixed the problem that background music goes unheard after the death of BOSS in recovery day. 6.Fixed the problem that the destroyed EMP missile from Kronos Omega may still have an effect on the outpost. 7.Fixed the problem with the abnormal craft option of Cyro Ammo Box in assembler. 8.Fixed some audio mistakes in [The Nebulas] mission. 9.Fixed the anomaly with the surroundings of some underground POIs entrance. 10.Fixed the modeling problem with some boxes in [Xenium Lab]. 11.Fixed the problem with some items being stuck at abnormal locations.