Patch Note #22 | Hotfix 1.03

Train Life: A Railway Simulator

For the first time in railroad simulation, play as both the driver and company director! Take the controls of your locomotives and grow your railway empire by negotiating deals and developing your network.

[h1]Hello everyone![/h1] Welcome to Hotfix 1.03 for PC. We’re also releasing the Orient Express content for all PC players that took part in the Early Access for Train Life.In the meantime, we have some fixes for today's patch to get through, so without further ado, let's dive right in! [h2]Changes & Fixes [/h2] [h3]Tracks & Railways[/h3] [list] [*] Tweaked some issues with the placement of electric lines. Now you will not get shocked by the electrical lines. [*] Cleaning track zone from branches, grass, ground. To do this, we developed a lawn mower as well as a hedge cutter in UE4. [*] Fixed a problem with a broken traffic light near the Bremen Smeltery. No more traffic jams at the intersection. [/list] [h3]Tablet [/h3] [list] [*] Added additional highlights to active buttons. It should be easier to tell the difference regarding which selection you are making. [*] Fixed a problem with saving force feedback option [*] Updated translations. If you find any more translation errors, we encourage you to let us know! [*] Fixed a problem with the Back button on a few screens. [*] Fixed a problem with input configuration from older versions. This was reported by the community from people coming from the EA version to the 1.0 version of Train Life regarding the new navigation buttons, that well, were not working, that great to say the least. But now, everything should be fine. [*] Fixed a problem with not updating immediately tooltips for GPS Mode Toggle after input rebinding. [*] Added keyboard and gamepad controls for Show Hide HUD action. [*] Fixed employee list to better show its content [*] Fixed a bug with Cancel button in scenario start panel [/list] [h3]Gameplay [/h3] [list] [*] Improvement of train inertia. [*] Fixed a wrong top speed of locomotives. [*] Fixed the "Renowned Tourist" achievement. Players might have to revisit the stations once again to get the achievement. [*] Fixed a bug with the number of passengers during boarding. [/list] [h3]Scenarios [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed GPS route in some scenarios. [/list] [h3]Level Art & Design [/h3] [list] [*] The switch near the Munich Factory has had its logic reversed. [*] Part of the wood floating in the air near Hague Pumpjack is not floating anymore. [/list] [h3]Stability & Performance [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a rare crash during a boarding passenger in the scenario "Paris – Strasbourg". [/list] That about wraps it up folks! We hope you are enjoying the fixes that we are implementing throughout this time, and we hope the players enjoy the Orient Express content we added for all Early Access players! Make sure to follow Simteract and Nacon on all social media platforms and [url=]join our Discord channel[/url] so you don’t miss a beat when it comes to news and updates for the game. Until next time! Mike Simteract Community Manager