Developer Note: List of Known Issues & Fixes

Train Life: A Railway Simulator

For the first time in railroad simulation, play as both the driver and company director! Take the controls of your locomotives and grow your railway empire by negotiating deals and developing your network.

Hi engineers, Train Life officially launched yesterday after a challenging and exciting period of Early Access. We are aware that the game’s launch has brought some new issues, and we want to assure you that we are currently working on resolving them through a series of fixes as soon as possible. Here's a non-exhaustive list of fixes you can expect: [list] [*] Removal of the BETA watermark [*] Fix of the "V" keyboard shortcut for when a player at a station to upload passengers [*] Addition of the Production Tree to the codex [*] Fix Driver Avatar Collision[/list] [i][u]Developer note[/u]: There have also been some of you reporting errors such as "LowLevelFatalError" and in this case we recommend [b]reinstalling the game and verifying the integrity of your games files[/b]. The same goes for players trying to change controller inputs in the games menu.[/i] We are aiming at releasing a first post-launch update early next week (week of August 29). We are also invesigating other issues that you have reported us and might implement in either this nex update or upcoming ones. Thank you for your understanding, and support. Have fun on the railways!