Patch 8.0.0 – Global launch and new expansion!

Firestone: Online Idle RPG

Firestone: Online Idle RPG is a multiplayer fantasy game with idle rpg mechanics. Collect heroes🧙‍♂️, upgrade their gear & skills, and send them in idle battles or go on an incremental clicker frenzy to beat monstrous bosses! Chat with guild friends or engage in PVP⚔️- the choice is in your hands!

[b]What’s new:[/b] [list] [*] New type of equipment! When you reach level 200, a new type of heroes' equipment will unlock – the soulstones. [*] At the same level, a new mechanism – The Oracle – will unlock in town. [*] At the oracle players can perform unique rituals and blessings. [*] New amulet of insight that increases the chance to get double reward from rituals. [*] The fellowship mechanism has been reworked and a new aura “Fate” has been added. [*] Introducing Hero rarities. Now you can increase the rarity of your Heroes in the hall of heroes. [*] New Mercenary, shaman Zoruk, is now available at Pirate Ship. [*] Skins (alternate appearances) have been added for several heroes. Learn more in the hall of heroes. [*] We have added the Czech, Norwegian, Hungarian, and Ukrainian languages option. [/list] [b]Changes:[/b] [list] [*] You can now click on usernames in the Guild log to inspect a player. [*] The Talent tree has also been extended. [*] New trees have been added for exotic upgrades and meteorite research as well. [*] We refreshed the Battles and the War machines daily missions cover art. [*] Now it is possible to change the name of the fellowship. [*] Unlocking tier 2 and 3 of the gear now requires gear power specifically. [*] The cost of the abilities for many mana heroes has been reduced. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the issue with Mercenaries notification showing while there are no available mercenaries. [*] Fixed the issue with the Chat button not working in the tavern. [*] Fixed the issues with Battle Pass challenges appearing complete when new month starts [/list] We want to thank everyone for reporting issues you encounter! Support: Facebook: Discord: For the full patch notes list visit: