Patch 560.3


Set sail for the ultimate pirate experience! Embark on a grand adventure alongside thousands of other players in one of the largest game worlds ever built (and even claim a piece of it to call your own). Build your ship, assemble your crew, sail the high seas, and become a pirate legend!

Ahoy Pathfinders! This update focuses on resolving key issues that have been negatively impacting players. We've dedicated our efforts to fixing tame structures, tackling exploits, eliminating Xbox crashes, refining shorelines, and reintroducing proximity voice chat. [b]Official servers will be going offline to deploy the update on Tuesday, May 30th at 12:00 PM PDT and are expected to be up shortly after.[/b] [h1]Released Patch Notes[/h1] [i]v560.3[/i] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue with the tame limit incorrectly increasing. [*] Fixed an issue with the Fertilizer Barrel displaying an incorrect amount of fertilizer. [*] Fixed an issue where a paused tame structure could no longer be unpaused. [*] Fixed an issue with the Tortuga shoreline. [*] Fixed an issue with proximity voice chat no longer working (note: cross-platform chat is disabled). [*] Fixed several exploits. [/list] [h2]Misc.[/h2] [list] [*] Removed the Unicorn Skin from the Cosmetic Vendor. [/list] [h2]Xbox Only[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where Unicorn Skins would cause Xbox players to crash. [/list] [h1]Final Note[/h1] Again, we would like to emphasize that ATLAS is still in Early Access, meaning many things can and will likely continue to drastically change - even in the middle of development. Anything discussed is only up to date as of the moment it is posted. Features and changes that ultimately make it to the next patch, as well as timing, may be different from what was previously discussed. As always, we appreciate the suggestions and feedback from the community. Please keep them coming! Thank you for all of your support! Happy Sailing, - ATLAS Crew Natter n' chatter on Discord: [url=][/url] Hear ye, hear ye on Twitter: [url=][/url] Watch us scallywags on Twitch: [url=][/url] Plus ye can band with us Pirates on Facebook: [url=][/url]