Patch 4 Notes 24 October 2013

Takedown: Red Sabre

TAKEDOWN is a thinking-person’s shooter; brutal, hardcore and deadly - like the real thing. Not for the faint hearted, Takedown requires you to bring your 'A' game - FPS fans looking for an ultra hardcore experience only need apply!

[h1] New Features: [/h1] [list] [*] SP & Co-op Mission Objectives now include objective indicators to more easily locate. [*] Lean Added to Toggle Alt-Options (Toggle Lean, ALT-L, Toggle Zoom, ALT-Z, Toggle Run/Walk, ALT-R, Swap Run/Walk, ALT-T). [*] Steam Server Browser now supports launching and joining a game directly when game is not already running. [*] Changed Team Indicator icons to Red Sabre and Urban Camo to better inform players of their friendly teams. [/list] [h1] Gameplay Updates/Fixes [/h1] [list] [*] Adjusted chat log to not conflict with team indicators in versus mode [*] Fix for Red Sabre sometimes displaying "tango" arms when picking up weapons & spawning [*] Adjusted in-game messages to display lower to not interfere with ADS [*] Fix for music playing at beginning of Versus match [*] Removed Mission/Win from in-action and added to AAR Screen [*] Fix weapon selection sometimes not functioning correctly for clients [*] Disabled bad Tango spawn on Radar Station Tango Hunt [*] Added audio cue when ALT toggle keys are used [/list]