Patch 2 (bug fixes and balance adjustments)

Terra Invicta

From the creators of Long War, an alien invasion has fractured humanity into seven ideological factions each with a unique vision for the future. Lead your chosen faction to take control of Earth’s nations, expand across the Solar System, and battle enemy fleets in tactical combat.

Hi everyone! We're at day 3 of release, and we've got another patch to share - Patch 2 includes balance adjustments and bug fixes. Full notes below! EA Build 0.3.18 - fix 2495, ops granting modules were instead granting boost, which doesn't make any sense at all, weirdo dev - you can no longer assassinate your own faction councilors just because you are a cynical faction, only if they are a known traitor; this was in there for RP so you can go all Dr Evil on your incompetent minions more than anything, but apparently too easy to accidentally kill your own dude according to Discord and this solution is simpler than than adding a UI warning element during mission assignment phase - improved alien structural engineering and removed the possibility an icequake would derail the alien invasion within months of the game's start, or as perun put it, "humanity was saved by some motivated water" #2499 - adjusted alien xenoforming preference down slightly, cause, wow, alien plants everywhere - GetTargetedModuleForHab() : choose shipyard if hab is an alien station with no shipyards. - Turn on all hab modules when completing a core module. Issue #2510 bzzzzt - Fix for volume overload when completing multiple modules simultaneously. Sorry player ears - ShipyardGridItemController : allowPayFromEarth does not match toggle bugfix. Issue . Issue #2509 - TIHabModuleState.hab : NRE bugfix. Issue #2502 - Bugfix #2501. Generalized the fix for #2436. (This is a bug in Spaaaaaaaace) - fix for 2500 - Fixed NRE when hab is destroyed while selected in the hab screen - TICouncilorState.CanRepeatMission() : check if councilor has a faction. Issue #2498 - Fix for 2503 & 2216; Fixed NRE when selecting blank icon for hab customization. Habs now properly load their current custom icon when managing them - Fix for false positives in loc arg count check. Should fix a number of errors seeing placeholder text in the game - Fix: Hide space test scenario from campaign menu in builds. You never noticed it anyway.\ If you are looking for past patch notes: Patch 1 Hotfix 1 And for notes on our EA plans