CipherCraft: Cyber Guardian Introduction

Immerse yourself in the strange world of CipherCraft: CGI, where you'll perform repairs, network infiltration, programming, server management, active server administration, and meticulous assembly and cleaning of computer components. Win against an Anonymous hacker who keeps sabotaging the company.

[b]Hi everyone![/b] We have just released patch 2.0, which introduces quite a few fixes and changes. [b]From here we would like to thank everyone who reported bugs![/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44771120/c7d196fb47d4d36cda53e7fb36cea6097d0f619c.png[/img] Change list: [list] [*]added full course and mission save [*]updated tutorial videos [*]improved behavior of interaction hints [*]fixes of maps and objects on them [*]mission blockers fixed [*]added sale of items in hand [*]UI fixes [*]improved label behavior and added some missing [*]added the ability to leave a course that you perform again [*]fixed a bug with rotation while getting into courses [*]improved interactions with objects when we have hidden inventory [*]improved behavior of power supply knobs [*]fixed bug with always green light in RFID [*]translation fixes [*]minor bugs [/list] See you soon! [i]CipherCraft team[/i]