Patch 1716

Mars: War Logs

An Intense Cyberpunk Rpg On the Red Planet! Mars War Logs takes you to Mars, nearly a century after the cataclysm that threw the planet and its colonists into chaos. Water has become the most precious resource on the arid red planet, with a few companies fighting a perpetual war for its control.

Hi, A new patch is now available for Mars War Logs. Here is the patchnote: [Controls] Added possibility to change the keyboard setup in an external file [Controls] Added default left handed control setup [Camera] Fixed FoV automatically returning back to 45 [Camera] Improved the out of fight camera [FX] Fixed rare FX issue with technomancers power on lower configurations [Graphics] Fixed rare remaining cases where characters could sometime be stuck in the ceiling [Tutorial] Fixed rare cases where a tutorial popup won't close [Saves] Fixed savegames with UNC path [Quests] Various quests fixes [Sound] Added -stereo and -surround command line options to force audio mode selection Note: This patch also adds the changes of the patch 1712 previously on Beta Thank you for your patience.