Patch 14c Changelog


ULTRAKILL is a fast-paced ultraviolent retro FPS combining the skill-based style scoring from character action games with unadulterated carnage inspired by the best shooters of the '90s. Rip apart your foes with varied destructive weapons and shower in their blood to regain your health.

[u]Changes:[/u] [list] [*] Added chess functionality to the Credits museum [*] Added a optional seperate punch binds for each arm [*] Move arm, delete arm and modify arm can now be used in normal levels [*] Updated Hideous Mass model and texture [*] Reduced Mindflayer's radiance health buff from 2x to 1.5x [*] Made "Do Robots Dream of Eternal Sleep?" loop twice by default in the Cyber Grind [*] Increased secret orb requirement for the final weapon color template from 86 to 100 [*] Increased recharge speed for nails [*] Decreased delay for "Conductor" aftershock [*] Sawblades no longer get the nailbomb damage bonus [*] Red errors in the console now default to being expanded since people would forget to do so when posting bug reports [*] Renamed controls menu weapon slots from numbers to weapons to make them easier to change [*] Screwdriver no longer breaks when attached to dead Guttermen [*] The timer in 7-1 now stops as soon as the boss' death animation starts [*] A dying Mindflayer's death countdown now resets when launched with a Knuckleblaster punch [*] Dying Mindflayers and dead Guttermen are now whiplashable [*] Player can now heal off of dying Mindflayers [*] Added icons for some cheats that didn't have them yet [*] Lowered priority for punching saws [*] Raised priority for punching coins [*] Added credits for the public domain songs "Take a Look at Molly" and "Gymnopedie No.1" in the Additional Music Credits book [*] Lowered 7-4 security system beam speed on Harmless and Lenient difficulties [*] Increased rocket speed reduction when ridden by player from 75% to 65% [*] Slightly lowered style requirements for 7-1, 7-2 and 7-4 [*] Reimplemented "Super Slide Jump" tech [*] Added a console command for forced stacktrace extraction for modders [/list] [u]Fixes:[/u] [list] [*] Fixed bugs relating to Whiplash binds [*] Fixed weapon wheel not working properly on controller [*] Fixed the doors in 5-3's second half opening the wrong way [*] Fixed the Hideous Mass armor not working correctly [*] Fixed the Cyber Grind leaderboard sometimes lagging when using custom music [*] Fixed "enemies ignore player" cheat not working on Leviathan [*] Fixed Fullbright cheat not working well with levels with heavy fog such as 7-3 [*] Fixed the level end leaderboard only showing up to 4 people [*] Player no longer moves with large objects as if standing on them while noclipping [*] Swordsmachine no longer attacks other enemies while blinded [*] Swordsmachine now properly targets Stalkers if any are around [*] Fixed Stalkers not targeting the player when no other targets are available [*] Fixed 4-2 circular checkpoints not re-enabling as intended [*] Fixed the Cyber Grind special enemies being unable to spawn on their earliest set spawn wave [*] Fixed a bug with the Cyber Grind uncommon enemy calculations sometimes causing double the intended amount of Virtues to spawn [*] Fixed Knuckleblaster shotgun shells no longer colliding with the ground [*] Fixed mismatched Violence layer "origName" values for modding purposes [*] Fixed the 1-1 challenge not working correctly if the player grabs a checkpoint before the time runs out [*] Fixed Guttertanks sometimes being parryable after death [*] Fixed the 7-1 boss not unlocking the enemy data strategy field when first fought [*] Fixed the 4-S tab stats menu counter [*] Fixed Ferryman's lightning no longer causing an explosion when chargebacked [*] Fixed the Advanced Strategy section for the Railcannon referring to the wait time as 15 seconds instead of 16 [*] Fixed an accidental reversion of the Revolver's data section into an earlier, shorter version [*] Fixed odd physics behavior with blinded dying Virtues [*] Cannonballs will now snap to be directly in front of the player's position if punched at a target that's close, to avoid being launched at odd angles [*] Fixed a bug that caused the audio to distort and break if the player spawns many blinded Guttermen [*] Fixed the Electric Railcannon's variation description overlapping with the Already Owned button [*] Fixed an invisible collider at the spawn point in the Sandbox causing odd behavior with the Spawner arm [*] Fixed explosions being able to break unbreakable Clash mode boxes [*] Fixed Guttermen sometimes not properly unsandifying when dying [*] Fixed framerate-related inconsistencies with trams [*] Fixed the bloodsplatter caused by a Drone's death not healing the player [*] Dead enemies can no longer get hit by the same projectile multiple times, often causing the game to hitch or freeze [*] Fixed punching a Screwdrivered enemy corpse causing the screw to reattach and detach rapidly [*] Round Trip no longer instakills Guttertanks if they are being protected by an Idol [*] Swordsmachine's thrown swords can no longer hit the same enemy multiple times [*] Added a teleport failsafe in case the player gets stuck under the bomb while it's lowering in 7-2 [*] Fixed the game freezing for a moment while loading another song in the Cyber Grind [*] Fixed the particle effects and rubble caused by the 7-2 clocktower falling not spawning correctly [*] Fixed a bug where coins or magnets hitting a freezecharged rocket would cause an unintentionally large explosion [*] Fixed tutorial prompts sometimes not displaying the relevant button bind [*] Fixed Strays, Schisms and Soldiers incorrectly using the Filth's movement speed values [*] The same button can no longer be bound to the same action multiple times [*] Cancelling the weapon wheel with a projectile boost no longer causes level timer speed issues [*] Fixed a bug that caused Husks to not count as kills if not targeting the player [*] Fixed a bug that caused Size 2 fish to be uncatchable [/list]