Patch 1.6 – Major fixes and improvements!

Spacelines from the Far Out: Flight School

Spacelines from the Far Out: Flight School is all about getting you prepared to take on the task of running your own Spaceline before launch! Join up to 3 other people to take on the challenges and demands as you ferry people to their destination.

Our largest, most comprehensive bug-fixing update yet, patch 1.6 is finally released! 1.6 is jam-packed with a [b]plethora of fixes, improvements and overhauls[/b] that will improve game stability and overall player experience! We’ve also included some much-requested features by our community including [b]collision avoidance while docking[/b]! [b]GAMEPLAY AND QUALITY OF LIFE[/b] Feature improvements: [list] [*] [b]Better docking collision protection:[/b] a safety radius around all docking points (passenger stops, remote service stations and public toilets), effectively preventing players from colliding while docking and undocking [*] [b]Progressive dance level effectiveness:[/b] passengers will now get progressively more entertained as dancing players advance to higher dance levels [/list] Interface and HUD overhauls: [list] [*] [b]New settings menus:[/b] settings menu has now been subdivided into separate windows for each setting group (general, video, audio, etc), and now each group can be separately reset to defaults [*] [b]New save slots menu:[/b] save slots menu has been visually overhauled, and with added playthrough info, such as last time played [*] [b]Better contextual icon auto-layout:[/b] as well as avoiding each other, contextual icons such as button prompts, repair level indicators, etc now also reposition themselves around power indicators and passenger and player portraits in order to always stay visible and prevent rendering on top of each other. Player and passenger portraits now also are repositioned if too close to screen borders [*] [b]Better fat asteroid minimap icon:[/b] fat asteroid icons on the minimap now also show the asteroid’s orientation [*] [b]Auto-repeat directional input in menus:[/b] if players hold a directional input when interacting with menus, it gets automatically repeated after a small delay [*] [b]Better public room info refresh rate:[/b] online sessions now update their public info displayed on the lobby at a more reliable rate [/list] [b]STABILITY AND OPTIMIZATION [/b] [list] [*] [b]Memory and storage usage overhaul:[/b] major improvement in the game’s runtime memory usage and reduction in patch sizes [*] [b]Optimized online bandwidth usage:[/b] major changes to synchronization of object position and orientation across clients in order to reduce online bandwidth load [*] [b]Better item parenting system:[/b] major overhaul of the item parenting system, responsible for synchronizing which items are being held by players, passengers and ship systems across online clients [/list] [b]VISUAL IMPROVEMENTS[/b] [list] [*] Mechanic, cleaner and refueling remote service station 3D models and materials have been polished and improved [*] Medium and medium-large connection spaceport 3D models and materials have been polished and improved [*] All food 3D models and materials have been polished and improved [*] “Ram” alien species 3D model and materials have been polished and improved [*] Player flight attendant 3D models and materials have been polished and improved [*] Cleaning service attendant 3D model and materials have been polished and improved [*] Comet icon on the minimap is now larger [/list] [b]BUG FIXES[/b] Localization: [list] [*] Multiple translation improvements for Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Turkish and Chinese localizations [/list] Players: [list] [*] Fixed an issue that could cause players to move erratically when holding passengers in online sessions [*] Fixed player name and number appearing above an incorrect character when switching avatars in online sessions [*] Fixed an issue that could cause the player silhouette color to be incorrect when switching characters in online sessions [*] Fixed player silhouette sometimes rendering on the floor near a character’s feet in certain environments [*] Fixed an issue that could spawn a copy of a player’s character at the flight school when returning from a trip [*] Fixed players sometimes getting stuck in walking animation when interacting with a ship system [/list] Space hazards: [list] [*] Fixed an issue that allowed the initial position of comets to affect their starting speed [/list] Audio and music: [list] [*] Fixed an issue that could cause a connection spaceport’s music to keep playing after players have already opened the starmap [*] Fixed an issue that could make music stop playing during flights [*] Fixed volume level settings sometimes getting improperly reset [*] Fixed communicator sound effect sometimes not stopping after call has already been picked up [/list] Menus and HUD: [list] [*] Fixed minimap icons sometimes disappearing randomly [*] Fixed minimap expansion sometimes not syncing in online sessions [*] Fixed mouse interaction with refuel menu sometimes not working properly [*] Pause menu in local client now closes itself if other clients enter a screen or cinematic that can't be paused in online sessions [*] Fixed reputation stars not getting properly repositioned when players expand and reduce the minimap [*] Fixed upgrade store menu sometimes not opening to some clients in online sessions [*] Fixed an issue that could cause a route to be confirmed more than once on the starmap [*] Fixed an issue that could allow players to interact with the starmap before loading screen was finished [*] Fixed start menu background scene not getting reset after save slots are deleted [*] Fixed end-route reputation stars animation sometimes displaying incorrect values after game over [*] Fixed unavailable communicator icon sometimes remaining visible indefinitely [*] Fixed power interface sometimes flickering when systems were switched on or off [*] Fixed credits screen being skippable by non-host clients in online sessions [*] Fixed position of player characters at the end of credits screen [*] Fixed player slots HUD animation not running during pause screen [*] Fixed “fade to black” screen effect stopping halfway when opening the game through platform friend invite [*] Fixed an issue that could cause starmap window animations to stop halfway [*] Fixed an issue that made player characters displayed on loading screen get affected by level illumination [/list] Video: [list] [*] Fixed windowed mode resetting the game’s resolution setting [/list] Passengers: [list] [*] Fixed “sick” animation sometimes getting triggered when passengers became satisfied [*] Fixed passenger nausea and stink particles clipping outside ship outer walls [*] Fixed passengers’ AI navigation sometimes getting stuck in corners inside the ship [*] Fixed passengers getting stuck at bored state if they are fed while interacting with a ship system [*] Fixed passengers getting harshly ejected from seats during cleaning station animation [/list] Ships and Ship Systems: [list] [*] Fixed repaired metal plates rendering on top of hull breaches [*] Fixed Medical Capsule sometimes not turning on when players entered it in online sessions [*] Fixed Medical Capsule sometimes becoming non-interactable in online sessions [*] Fixed ship system purchase animation sometimes freezing the game or not getting setup properly [*] Fixed Standard Fridge sometimes appearing as a downgrade in stores when players have the Catering Rack installed [*] Fixed Holo-Nav collider in order to prevent characters getting stuck on top of it after zero-G [/list] Tutorials and ARTHUR: [list] [*] Fixed inverted order of localization strings for flight school ARTHUR messages in Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Turkish and Chinese [*] Fixed ARTHUR messages sometimes appearing on top of end-of-route cinematics [*] Fixed lounging available player avatars clipping through ARTHUR’s model at the flight school [/list] Chat: [list] [*] Improvements to word filter in online chat messages [/list] Food: [list] [*] Fixed colliders in some seasonal foods which were clipping the ship’s floor [/list] Loot: [list] [*] Fixed how cash loot tiers get filtered [/list] Inspector: [list] [*] Fixed Inspector sometimes getting frozen when ship’s gravity is restored after zero-G [*] Fixed Inspector’s AI navigation sometimes getting stuck in corners inside the ship [*] Fixed Inspector sometimes spawning too close to the ship [*] Fixed Inspector not leaving alerted state after a vomit gets cleaned at a service station [*] Fixed Inspector sometimes clipping through ships outer walls [*] Fixed Inspector’s laser scan VFX for Standard Seats, Medical Capsule and Navigation Systems [/list] Cinematics: [list] [*] Fixed ship explosion cinematic changing Kinetic Plasma Shell’s orientation [*] Fixed silhouettes and outline effects not getting hidden during some cinematics [*] Fixed contextual interaction icons sometimes not getting hidden during refuel cinematic [*] Fixed mop clipping through ship’s floor during game over cinematics [*] Fixed water hose VFX getting affected by zero gravity [*] Fixed water hose VFX position during cleaning service animation when using the Voxtron Icebreaker [/list] Camera: [list] [*] Fixed camera position snapping when players enter piloting system while framing fat asteroids [/list] And that’s it! We hope you enjoy this update and have a safe flight, spacefarers! If you encounter any issues or would like to leave us some feedback and suggestions, make sure join [url=]our official Discord server[/url] and contact us there. We’ll be happy to hear your thoughts!