Well hello there,
Seeing as this is our third patch this week, most of you know what to expect. The patch addresses outstanding issues, progress softlocks, repaired enemy actions and some other bug crushing code implementation.
We have heard all of your feedback this week and wanted to introduce a substantial quality of life tweak which many of you will be very happy to hear. An XP Multiplier which is distributed across the main game arc, ie, XP gaaaaaaaaains!
In essence it will multiply all XP earned in each chapter, drastically improving progression. For example, Chapter 2 will give you double, Chapter 3 will give you triple and so on. This will really speed up the amount you gain, but not affect how much is required for the unlocks.
This was the surest and fastest way we could design this enhancement without throwing other systems out of whack but please continue to provide feedback for us so we can measure how it feels over a longer player experience curve.
[*] Added new Experience Multiply per Chapter to improve players progression
[*] Fixed issue where mouse cursor could be disabled during card selection screen
[*] Fixed issue where increase fusion card with exile status would never be exiled
[*] Reward selection highlight now disabled when moving mouse cursor off from card
[*] Fixed mission selection screen opening with no missions available
[*] Fix mission dialogue interaction with narrative node dialogue
[*] Thanatos Zero will now kill hes arms when he dies
[*] Fixed Valkyrie effects execution order
[*] Added Animation to Dok's Exilir card
[*] Fixed issue with Super Nova trait
[*] Added Gilgamon Portrait
Ideally we need to cool off this weekend and take some much needed time to go touch grass. We feel like the build is in a good place across the majority of the community, though we still have outlier players with save files that need to be replaced due to progress corruptions from earlier issues we all faced.
Please continue to report such issues to the helpdesk and to me directly and we'll do our best to get you a file similar to where you left off.
That said, the fastest quick fix is to delete your save, and dive back in with a fresh run.
You can do this by turning off steam cloud, going to the following path on your hard drive, deleting the Zet Zillions folder, and starting again. It's not ideal, but it can get you going immediately.
C:\Users\(your windows username)\AppData\LocalLow\OTA IMON
Thank you for the continued support and encouragement since we launched last week. It has been a major driver for us to really push through these improvements as fast as we have been.
I'll leave the notes there for now and ya'll can get back into the game.
Enjoy your weekend
Ota Imon/Raw Fury