Hey everyone,
It's just under one week since we launched Zet Zillions and oh boy has it been a busy time. We are happy to push our 3rd patch which addresses key issues related to progression reported by QA and you, the players.
Ok check out the notes:
[*] Fixed issue with delayed outcomes
[*] Fixed Chapter 4 Softlock after loss to Thanatos
[*] Fixed issue where mission card's tooltip and button active in wrong moments
[*] Fixed issue where Gnomin is drawing the wrong card with same name
[*] Fixed Mission Target speech bubble remaining from previous act map
[*] Fixed issue with card/gear selection feedback on event's reward
[*] Enemies will not finish all multiple attacks if they die by spikes
[*] Vacine Effect now blocks burn and Poison Effects
[*] Fixed Trash Zero frame texture
[*] Red Dwarf hitbox review
[*] Thanatos Zero Review
[*] Possible fix to Evil Eye Questline
[*] Fixed issue with shop keys shortcuts
[*] Fixed description from destroy armor effect
[*] Removed Planet Nodes from Trash Zero Chapters
[*] Reward View Selection Animation Polish
[*] Fixed Tutorial Blocker
[*] Fixed Spike description icon
Sidenote: If you're having loading issues from the start screen it's likely your save file has become corrupted. That has been addressed in the forums and there's some fix recommendations in there. You would have to correct this manually from the player side by deleting a folder, as unfortunately we cannot patch your save file from here, but this is worth trying: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2229560/discussions/0/4334230493280262405/
We're still working really hard on everything critical, and once that's out of the way we can move toward quality of life changes and meta tweaks etc. More on that really soon.
Thank you again for joining us on the week of our launch and being super patient while we work on all of the things we need to address.
Ota Imon/Raw Fury