Patch 1.2 and Tutorial video


ModLab is a free tool that can generate and fine tune normal maps in a realtime rendering environment.

Second Patreon voting poll concluded some time ago and I bring goodies. Results shown that users want to improve roughness map, which was admittedly the weakest part of ModLab. To improve it I need some extra data, specifically curvature. This version of ModLab let you generate curvature from Normal map and use it to improve Roughness map. On top of it even if you provide your own Roughness map you can use new data to add some details to it. As seen here: [img][/img] Curvature itself is quite powerful information. For that reason if Curvature is generated it will get saved (unless exporting for WTF:ZF format) and can be used in any 2D editors. Red channel contains grey mid point information, green isolated edges and blue isolated cavities. [img][/img] I made quick tutorial about using ModLab for sprite: Change log: -New Roughness processing! -Large amount of features relevant to roughness -Curvature from Normal map -Wrote bypass for PNG compression -Rare bug when part of saved image is missing should be fixed -Better GUI separators Big thanks to all Patrons. If you want to support ModLab, want to be able to vote regarding future development or simply want access to new version slightly sooner then please visit Patreon page: Also you can follow me @twitter